Anonymous ID: 9228c4 IBoR V0.0.2 Jan. 16, 2020, 6:11 a.m. No.7829085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9096 >>9565 >>9625 >>9675 >>9678

The means and forms of information control that disparage and dismantle the liberties and privacy of the People are abolished by mandate of the People.


As prescribed by our founders it is the duty of the People to lay claim to the causes that compel them to alter or abolish any form of government that no longer serves the just liberties and tranquility of the people. The powers vested in the constitution are a contract between the people and the body of governance that We divided into three branches. Today we are faced with governance of behavior and belief by information manipulation and the authoritarian rule of both governmental and private bodies that hold economic utility. Our society has become dependent on these economic utilities for our prosperity and furtherance of our own liberties. The constitution has been adequate to sustain our national growth and prosperity in our prevailing 200 years. With the advent of new communication forms, the time has come to express the wrongs that befall us by the calculated manipulation of these new forms of communication. Our liberties, prosperity, and tranquility have been knowingly and intentionally eroded. We are compelled to redress these causes and assume new rights for the people; to declare mandates that limit the power of economic utilities in defense of those rights.


We are compelled to these actions by the malicious use of economic utilities to influence communications platforms to undermined our liberties through systematic subversion of our Republic and the intentional mutilation of our perception of reality. Those utilities too numerous to name sought to compel the surrender of our rights and submission of our national sovereignty through a systematic campaign of terror and information warfare.


There is a decentralized and privatized effort underway to build a regime of censorship, behavioral modification, and consensus forging that would make cognitive slaves of the entirety of our species but for the few masters of power that have assumed control.


The power to monitor the people, observe our behavior, analyze our every experience in life, and manipulate our very understanding and relation to the world around us has been abused. This abuse has resulted in rigging of elections, compelling destructive social change, selective eugenics of targeted demographics, summary execution by covert means of political dissidents, the obscuring of transnational networks of child trafficking and organ harvesting cartels. This power has been used to wage a campaign of global terror meant to dismantle the very idea of liberty by enforcing submission through terror.


Over the course of 2 decades these new communications medium have all but vacated the moral and social order of our nation while placing its citizens on an internationally monitored surveillance grid that allows every intimate and private moment to become public broadcast at the faintest sign of disagreement against forged consensus.


Therefore, as our founders prescribed, we lay forth the remedies to our compelling causes. We the people in our supreme authority deny any among us or any who do business with us or within our territorial jurisdictions; the rights to regulate the use of their own communications platforms and assume the right to regulate those platforms unto our selves.


All economic utilities shall abide by the declared rights granted to the people in this mandate of the people. Further, no law of congress may alter, abolish, or infringe upon these rights and the regulations imposed on corporations, peer nations, trusts, holdings, institutions, foundations, or any other vehicle of economic utility. Failure to abide by this mandate of the people shall be charged as a high crime punished by forfeiture of all rights to the economic resources of that guilty party; to be deposited in trust on behalf of the people into the national treasury. Any peer nation that does violate these rights shall be barred from trade with our nation and any nation that does trade with our own or any company of our own; any peer nation that does trade with us will cease trade with any peer nation that fails to abide by this mandate or shall them selves be barred from trade with our nation and our peer nations.

Anonymous ID: 9228c4 IBoR V0.0.2 Jan. 16, 2020, 6:11 a.m. No.7829090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9096 >>9599 >>9724

Our rights now assumed:


  1. Communications platforms shall not be used to alter or forge consensus with the use of automated systems; our right to form consensus by peer debate shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement


  1. Communications platform shall not be used to manipulate public perception, experiment on human psychology or seek to alter emotional or behavioral traits; our right to think free from artificial influence shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement


  1. No communications platform may be used to rank political content by any means other than date of publication; our right to public debate free of algorithmic prioritization shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement


  1. The right of the people, in the privacy of their communications, to be secure from analysis, study, distribution, or use for profit shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement.


  1. The right of the people, in the privacy of their communications, to be secure from from analysis, study, distribution, or use for profit shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement


  1. The right to not be tracked by any economic utility except for the core offering of a service shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement.


Assuming this rights among our selves, we deny the privilege of self regulation to economic utilities. As remedy for past transgression in the hope that those transgressions are not repeated, the following regulations are imposed.


  1. No profit shall be derived from the distribution of analytics of private communications.


  1. No written, spoken, illustrated, or similar expression of any individual will be deleted, ranked, dropped, de-prioritized, deboosted or diminished in any way by a communications platform.


  1. No private communications between individual shall be analyzed for any metrics of any kind except where made law by the congress for the enforcement of justice.


  1. No private communications or public communications masked by anonymity shall be made public by revealing the name and content of the individual(s) except by law enforcement upon successful conviction of a crime.


  1. No peer nation shall collect or trade in information about our citizens including public and private communications, public electronic records, social media posts, or any other form of information about our citizens for analysis, military planning, or clandestine purposes.


The sole power to enforce these rights and regulations is vested in the executive branch of our Republic.


The sole power to preside over any charges of violation of these rights and regulations is vested in the Supreme Court and shall be tried with a Jury of natural born citizens selected by lottery and who have attained the age of 25.

Anonymous ID: 9228c4 Internet Bill of Rights - v0.0.2 Jan. 16, 2020, 6:12 a.m. No.7829096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9599




Change Log



  • Updated list of example economic utilities


  • Limited jury to natural born citizens to avoid foreign influence


  • Improved wording for preamble to decongest the run on sentences.

Anonymous ID: 9228c4 Fixed #4 of IBoR Jan. 16, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.7829599   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Our rights now assumed:


  1. Communications platforms shall not be used to alter or forge consensus with the use of automated systems; our right to form consensus by peer debate shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement.


  1. Communications platform shall not be used to manipulate public perception, experiment on human psychology or seek to alter emotional or behavioral traits; our right to think free from artificial influence shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement.


  1. No communications platform may be used to rank political content by any means other than date of publication; our right to public debate free of alteration and algorithmic prioritization shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement.


  1. Communications platforms will not alter, delete, censure, artificially rank, or otherwise limit access or discovery of public communications by the people; the right of the people to communicate on communications platforms without interference shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement.


  1. The right of the people, in the privacy of their communications, to be secure from analysis, study, distribution, or use for profit, shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement.


  1. The right to not be tracked by any economic utility except for the core offering of a service shall not be infringed, waived, or altered by agreement.


Assuming these rights among our selves, we deny the privilege of self regulation to economic utilities. As remedy for past transgression in the hope that those transgressions are not repeated, the following regulations are imposed.


  1. No profit shall be derived from the distribution of analytics of private communications.


  1. No written, spoken, illustrated, or similar expression of any individual will be deleted, ranked, dropped, de-prioritized, deboosted or diminished in any way by a communications platform.


  1. No private communications between individual shall be analyzed for any metrics of any kind except where made law by the congress for the enforcement of justice.


  1. No private communications or public communications masked by anonymity shall be made public by revealing the name and content of the individual(s) except by law enforcement upon successful conviction of a crime.


  1. No peer nation shall collect or trade in information about our citizens including public and private communications, public electronic records, social media posts, or any other form of information about our citizens for analysis, military planning, or clandestine purposes.


The sole power to enforce these rights and regulations is vested in the executive branch of our Republic.


The sole power to preside over any charges of violation of these rights and regulations is vested in the Supreme Court and shall be tried with a Jury of natural born citizens selected by lottery and who have attained the age of 25.