Anonymous ID: be9b5b Jan. 16, 2020, 8:03 a.m. No.7829715   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7827642 (pb)


>Marginal Revolution reports on academic research indicating that winning a single visa in the H1-B lottery improves the firm's odds of a successful IPO within 5 years by a whopping 23%.

>If this visa lottery rigging can be demonstrated, it would be a dramatic tie-in between so many themes: 1) the startup world is not a level playing field, 2) corporate "winners" with a huge influence on society are corrupt, 3) lotteries we're told are random are rigged to favor cabal, 4) employer-sponsored immigration is under control of bad actors


If the anon who posted this is still here, what if the reason a SINGLE HB-1 worker improved a start ups chance of success by 23% because bad actors in that person's host country paid a fee to get that person in the US??? Maybe that person is a terrorist, or needs to be in the US to do their govt's dirty work.

Just a thought.

Anonymous ID: be9b5b Jan. 16, 2020, 8:05 a.m. No.7829729   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Tartaglione was Epstein's cellmate. It's so obvious that the guy would have been arrested for the new murder if true.

I think Mcafee is full of shit. How would he even know this? Isn't he on the run on a boat in the Caribbean somewhere?