Anonymous ID: 2e977c Jan. 16, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.7830027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0163

>>7829896 Overall punishments meted out are still ridiculously low. Players walk away with careers intact, keeping all those titles. Not even an apology. This guy Cora hosed the Dodgers twice. Will MLB step up, do the right thing, and award those WS titles to LA? Hell no. They want to go on with biz as usual, & sweep it away with a few people getting wrist slaps. They correctly said that the integrity of the game was at stake, then flushed that integrity down the crapper. Thanks, MLB, for a world class demonstration of gutlessness, and for yet again proving that it is ALL about the money, America's Game be damned. You are not forgiven.


As to this POS Cora refusing to go to the WH—isn't it always this way? The person with mega issues projects his shortcomings onto Bad Orange Man. You see, DJT just wasn't up to his moral standards, snicker.

Anonymous ID: 2e977c Jan. 16, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.7830248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7830076 After being cheated out of the WS title in Game 7, LA starter Yu Darvish apologized to the fans for tipping his pitches. Gave up I think 5 runs while getting 1 out in the first inning. Seats not even warm and the game was over. Yu understood that the other team knew what he was going to throw, and thought he was to blame by somehow tipping his pitches. And now the cheaters officially get away with it. Doesn't matter that everyone knows what they did—they will still swagger around with those rings forever. Mega disgust for MLB.

Anonymous ID: 2e977c Jan. 16, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.7830465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7830352 Fredo has zero chance vs. KC. Too much smarter than him, plus she's in the right. Waaaaaay too much woman for him to lay a glove on. Richardson calling her a serial liar—them's fightin' words, boy.

Anonymous ID: 2e977c Jan. 16, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.7830608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7830514 No man is without sin, including each & every one of us. The things that went before were a prelude, a training/learning period, before the main event. That event is now, and this is the time when we make our final choice: Empire or Rebel. Am seeing B2 as a white hat for 2 reasons. It is my honest evaluation, using every way I have learned to discern what currently lies at a person's core. Secondly because this is the only game in town for us, and we fight hard, not from naivete, but because we know who we are, and that if we are betrayed, we still go out spiritual winners.