Anonymous ID: 69a905 Jan. 16, 2020, 8:26 a.m. No.7829886   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So this question is for any anon who is learned in the ways of the congressional or impeachment law:


Is there a limit to what can be submitted to the Senate to be considered part of the Impeachment Articles? With these bogus findings coming out today and yesterday, Les Parnas and his parsed charges, the GAO saying POTUS broke the law etc…since the Senate has not "officially" accepted he Articles yet, is there any benefit to these new developments? Can the Presidents supporters also submit contrary evidence to new charges? Can they submit contrary evidence against the two Articles after they are "officially" received.


There is a lot of hooha today in he Mockingbird, i just wonder how much of it is really solid or is this their desperate attempts at a last chance of relevancy before the trial begins.

Anonymous ID: 69a905 Jan. 16, 2020, 8:50 a.m. No.7830095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So the longer this shit goes on, it seems to me that the Articles being "officially" accepted into the Senate is a 'New Phase" of some importance. All of this other shit that is coming out doesn't seem to have much weight.


Is this what Q meant when he said "they will fight back but we are ready"…this crumb keeps flying through my mind with each next attempt taken against POTUS…..


Logically he has only been in office for 3 years, much of what is being thrown at him has been done most likely for decades by those very people making the accusations. He had nothing to do with much of how it all started though he may be involved in trying to stop or eliminate the frauds perpetrated upon the American People. Are (THEY) so stupid that they think we do not have the discernment to see he longer picture and backroad here???


Seeing all of this as same old bad behavior but with a different player (POTUS)…and though the constant attacks still upset me, I can see the 40,000 view…they accuse us (POTUS) of exactly what they are guilty through any means (desperate or sloppy).


Putting together some crumbs…will post if I come up with a bigger logical theory.

Anonymous ID: 69a905 Jan. 16, 2020, 9:14 a.m. No.7830278   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah I know what you mean, couldn't sleep last night, kept getting jolted awake by the unrest in the world. Many people must be scared, lots of negative emotion and energy. I have learned to take it in and transform it into truth and to separate it from my own feelings, its fucking hard but can be accomplished…

Please take care of yourself..and if you cannot snap out of it, taking a nap resets my center…


Peace fellow empathanon.

Anonymous ID: 69a905 Jan. 16, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.7830502   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There has been much talk that Hillary isn't the evil mastermind that some claim her to be…there may be a bigger handler in the background. If this is true then maybe bigger fish will fry and not Americans since so many seem to be of the Global Government…not saying she doesn't deserve to hang for her obvious involvement, just saying maybe this goes way deeper than any of us could really imagine…that quote, "You don't know how bad things really are" come to mind.