Anonymous ID: e93fec Jan. 16, 2020, 8:31 a.m. No.7829933   🗄️.is 🔗kun


404 for me…when I clicked on your link. However the article is still there..check this link.

Anonymous ID: e93fec Jan. 16, 2020, 8:51 a.m. No.7830101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obama broke the law in Bergdahl release deal, GAO report says

Congress's investigative arm has stated flatly that the Obama administration broke the law in the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap. That's not just partisan sniping.

It’s been nearly three months since Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was freed from Taliban captivity in a deal that resulted in the release of five Taliban prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay. Nearly from the moment that the release happened, Republicans were critical of the deal largely because of the questions regarding the circumstances of Sergeant Bergdahl’s disappearance from his post and the fact that the Obama administration decided to trade five Taliban leaders to get him back. Perhaps the most potent criticism though, was the argument that the administration had failed to comply with the law because it failed to notify Congress of the trade of Bergdahl for the Guantánamo prisoners beforehand. The White House justified the failure to comply with the notice requirement by saying that it was necessary to complete the trade in a short period of time due to concerns about Bergdahl’s health. However, members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, including Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D) of California and Tom Coburn (R) of Oklahoma were skeptical about that justification to say the very least.


Now, the General Accounting Office has come out with a report determining that the administration did in fact violate the law when it failed to notify Congress about the impending prisoner swap as required by law:


WASHINGTON—The Obama administration violated the law when it failed to give Congress adequate notice about the transfer of five detainees from Guantanamo Bay as part of a swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the investigative arm of Congress said Thursday.


Sgt. Bergdahl was released after nearly five years of captivity in Afghanistan as part of a May 31 exchange for five Taliban detainees held at a U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


“The Department of Defense violated section 8111 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2014 when it transferred five individuals detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the nation of Qatar without providing at least 30-days notice to certain congressional committees,” the Government Accountability Office said in response to a letter from Republican lawmakers, including Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, and Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby.


That provision prohibits the Defense Department from using government funds to transfer individuals from Guantanamo unless it notifies Congress at least 30 days in advance.


The department also violated another law that prohibits federal employees from spending money not authorized by Congress. “DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law,” the GAO said.


At the time of the swap, President Barack Obama defended the move, saying the U.S. has a “sacred rule” not to leave men and women in uniform behind.


“We saw an opportunity,” Mr. Obama said on June 3. “We were concerned about Sgt. Bergdahl’s health. We had the cooperation of the Qataris to execute an exchange, and we seized that opportunity.”


But lawmakers from both sides of the aisle questioned the decision, saying the administration disregarded the 30-day notice provision of the law.


The Defense Department notified Congress of the transfer in writing on May 31.


According to the GAO letter, the department said its actions complied with the law and, in any event, the relevant portion of the law is unconstitutional as applied to the Bergdahl transfer.


Providing notice “would have interfered with the executive’s performance of two related functions that the Constitution assigns to the president: protecting the lives of Americans abroad and protecting U.S. service members,” the department said in reply to a GAO inquiry.


The watchdog didn’t weigh in on the constitutionality of the law but noted that it had been signed by the president.


Anonymous ID: e93fec Jan. 16, 2020, 9:37 a.m. No.7830436   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada’s biggest newspaper says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle aren’t welcome


Canada’s largest newspaper says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle aren’t welcome to live in the famously friendly country because it’s unconstitutional.


In a scathing editorial, The Globe and Mail says the royal couple’s plan to move to the land of maple syrup and hockey violates laws that keep the once-British-ruled country at arm’s length from their mother monarchy across the pond.


“In response to the sudden announcement of a vague and evolving plan for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – Prince Harry and Meghan – to move to Canada while remaining part of the Royal Family, the Trudeau government’s response should be simple and succinct: No,” the editorial blasts.


“You are welcome to visit, but so long as you are senior royals, Canada cannot allow you to come to stay … It breaks an unspoken constitutional taboo,” it says.


Harry and Meghan’s Canada planned migration mucks up the country’s long history of breaking away from the British political system, according to the article.


“[Canada’s] unique monarchy, and its delicate yet essential place in our constitutional system, means that a royal resident — the Prince is sixth in the line of succession — is not something that Canada can allow,” it says.




Three cheers for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's ‘Megxit’

“A royal living in this country does not accord with the long-standing nature of the relationship between Canada and Britain, and Canada and the Crown.”


The royals’ plan — which includes stepping down from their titles and dividing their time between L.A. and Canada — also stomps on Canada’s identity, it notes.


The country broke away from British reign centuries ago, considers Queen Elizabeth II a figurehead leader only, and allows few of her reps to have duties.


“Though Canada borrowed from Britain, it isn’t Britain and never was. And this country long ago took steps to make that unmistakably clear,” the editorial states.


“If you’re a senior member of our Royal Family, this country cannot become your home.”


The Globe and Mail newspaper is printed in five major cities and is widely regarded as Canada’s “newspaper of record.”


Honchos at the paper aren’t the only ones who aren’t thrilled about Megxit. On Monday, Queen Elizabeth II issued a statement saying that the royal family “would have preferred” Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to stay put and keep their senior palace duties.

Anonymous ID: e93fec Jan. 16, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.7830464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0481

Vigilante couple allegedly baited bike thieves, beat them, posted videos to YouTube


A California couple was arrested last week, for allegedly luring in thieves with an unguarded bicycle and then beating them with baseball bats when they tried to steal it.


Corey Cornutt, 25 and Savannah Grillot, 29, claimed they were robbed the first night they spent in their Visalia home after a burglar broke into their car. A few nights later, another burglar allegedly broke into their car again.


They both became hyper-vigilant and decided to take a proactive stance in defending their home, using the bike as bait. After beating on the perpetrators who came to steal it, Cornutt and Grillot would later post the videos to Youtube.


The couple reportedly continued their crusade for months before they were finally detained by authorities for assault.


They inflicted non-life-threatening injuries upon four different people between July and November 2019, according to a written statement from the Visalia Police Department. Their neighbors, however, said the number of assailants was much higher.


No one was arrested or charged for attempted theft because Cornutt and Grillot never made an official report to law enforcement.


Both suspects were booked on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and conspiracy.


Zero for the fuckers that attempted to steal the bikes.