Anonymous ID: 03868a Jan. 16, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.7830842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0949 >>1046

Lowly Bio anon, tending to the little vaccine facts in the previous notable about the difference between:

1) brain damage from wild type illness, (natural cold, flu, measles, etc)

2) and severe vaccine brain damage, due to lack of "gut activated brain poisoning immune defense off switch".

…… that we know about,

…..can see with electron microscope,

…..and have mapped now like the Krebs Citric Acid cycle, when bio-pathway mapping first began in 1937.

Yes, we understand the mechanism that creates autism/infant brain damage. That is why I did the post. This time, I am including research, and pics. Will repost the video lecture on the process for any other bioanons who need them too… next link.


Q said not all vaccines are bad.

He is right in certain cases. I will cover that in last paragraph. also covering what to do to defend yourself if you must use a vaccine. It is important that Anons understand this in a simple way so it can be shared with friends, family, to save lives, spare brain damage. Facts over narrative, right?

This is not that difficult to understand, and pictures help, so I included some, along with just one research piece about this feedback loop that makes vaccine to blood inoculation so dangerous, compared to wild type illnesses. There are plenty of sources on this.


What are astrocytes?.

Astrocytes are brain cells but not neuron "thinking" cells. They are brain neuron defense and repair cells.

Normally brain astrocytes are there to watch for neuron (brain cell) damage and repair it. They have many little legs, with little feet on the ends. Normally they have their little feet running all along the nerve cell looking for damage. (See simple pic related)(see the little feet placed along the neurons?..nice pic, whoever made it)


What do these little astrocyte guys do during normal wild illness attack?

(Step 1) When body brain is attacked by normal wild type illness, it enters through sinus, mouth, gut. (Important, and why we wash our hands etc).

The gut immune system activates ALL immune, including brain immune, that can not use massive white cell attack. (Research pic 2 related, you only need the title to understand the gut/immune link-feedback idea. 80% of the immune system is in your guts, not your blood stream)

So, brain astrocyte cells get the "gut signal" to start the pathogen fight.

They pull their little feet off the neurons, (pic related) and curl up to visible tear drop shape (that we can see happen with microscopes today).

They use this shape to begin spitting poison in the brain to kill anything that enters the brain.

This is a mean indiscriminate poison, and it also damages the brain cells. But…. the neurons are damaged in a way that the astrocytes know how to repair, when they go back to repair mode.


When do they do that?

The illness causes the gut also activates a "stop poisoning" feedback mechanism that gets the gut to tell the brain astrocytes to stop spitting poison in the brain when the illness is over.


(Pic related)

The microbiota-immune axis as a central mediator of gut-brain communication


Am I lying to you?

Well? When you get the flu, or other illness, how exactly does your brain feel? soupy? Head-ache? You want to go shopping? Go party? Or go lay down? Truth is, you all feel the truth. You have all experienced the truth here. I am just explaining (VERY SIMPLY) the nasty swimmy head ache feeling. It is brain poisoning, and you feel it. I can not lie to you. There is something bad happening to your brain when you are sick, and you already know it.

Point is, ALL illness harms brain cells whether vaccine induced, or from a wild virus or bacteria etc.


So what makes vaccines so dangerous if this is true?



Anonymous ID: 03868a Jan. 16, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.7830881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0893 >>0949 >>1046



Vaccines are injected straight to the bloodstream, by-passing the GUT, therefore the OFFSWITCH is never activated. The brain poisoning has been measured to extend 6 weeks and more by neurologists who are the only ones equipped to measure this. Pediatricians are NOT neurologists, and herein lies the problem. It is big business… these vaccines. All this time, the brain is being destroyed, long after the vaccine event.


There are 2 other problems that cause severe damage from vaccines that are not seen with wild type illnesses:


1) FREQUENCY Of Poisoning events: Normal childhood illness is 5-7 events, age zero to 5, like wild measles, mumps, whooping cough etc.

Vaccines? There are 32 vaccines with three illnesses each (Example MMR = Measles, Mumps, Rubella) for total of 96 illnesses on the CDC vaccine schedule. These bypass the gut with straight to blood inoculation.

This means that the infant-child has his brain poisoning process locked into the ON position destroying brain cells for six weeks or more, each time, for a total of 32 brain poisoning "illness events" before the child is 5 years old. MANY more damage events, for far longer. This is sufficient to lower IQ in ALL infants whether they are predisposed to the next problem with Mercury, or they have sufficient genetic glutathion to get rid of the mercury, or the shots have no mercury.


2) Why is autism a "spectrum disorder"? Because of genetic variance, especially with respect to mercury when it is used Here is an analogy to get your head wrapped around this, and make it simple:

Think diabetes. Say your genes do not make enough INSULINE to get sugar out of your blood. In the case of severe autism from mercury, you do not make enough GLUTATHION to get the MERCURY out of your body. The mercury runs around with it's double valance (Double positive charge ++) and binds to everything like a magnet to steel, binding to everything in its path, shutting every system down that it touches…. enzymes, etc.

Injest a little to much, you can over-run all human systems. ANYONE will die from it. This is why it is called a deadly poison. There is a point where NONE of us have enough glutathion on board genetically, to save our lives after a dose of mercury poisoning. This genetic variability creates a spectrum of reactions.


So, when are vaccines not all bad, as Q says?


Pretty much any time the alternative is death, and tetanus would be an example. You can step on a rusty nail and be dead in a week. Take the brain damage, and do repair supplements after.

Look up the Lions Maine mushroom, good natural source of Nerve growth Factor (NGF) needed to rebuild neurons. They are using it now to help repair brain damage after car accidents, Alzheimers, things like that.


Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves if we have to take vaccines (troops, hospital personnel etc)?


ALSO see the video in the next link. At the end, Dr. Blaylock tells you how to protect your brain before, during, after inoculation. He is one of our nations experts, a brain surgeon. He actually looks at this stuff and has studied it for years.

Going overseas can put you into deadly microbiological risks especially in third world countries.

Q team, I hope you have this information already for our troops, because they do head into some really bad places. They can be protected from the massive inoculations with a little knowledge. See the Lions Main mushroom info. Astounding brain repair going on with this new surprising research. Cutting edge for sure, but, so far so good, and our troops could use cutting edge. Lions maine tastes most like lobster they say, so, could be a good staple to add to the diet.

See the following links to get the "how to defend yourself" from Dr. Blaylock. He is spot on.

The microbiota-immune axis as a central mediator of gut-brain communication


The Central Mechanism By Which Caccines Induce Autism - Dr. Russell Blaylock Lecture


Vid Related:

BEFORE you TAKE Dangerous Vaccines Dr Russell Blaylock MD

Anonymous ID: 03868a Jan. 16, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.7831294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1330




The Chinese have been sending fentanyl through the southern border and cartels are mixing this deadly with other drugs. Laced drugs, and these are killing our teens and young people.

10 years Vietnam, 60 thousand plus dead.

ONE YEAR now, same number of young Americans dead, every year. It is literally Vietnam every year now.

Its a war alright, but the enemy is the cartels, not the addicted young, who are innocent people getting shot on the front lines of this war. We need to get them behind the front lines asap.


Hubby came home. Bunch of nurses showed up on heroine at hospital, wondering WTF. Turned out they were at birthday party for one of them and drinks drugged while they were all in the restroom. We told kids, do not turn your back on your drink.


Hubby came home, two weeks later, told us friend at work lost her son.. murdered by cartels for telling the police who was selling the drugs at school.

The next week:


My son picked up a friend who was abandoned at a high school party. No ride home. Friend put down his beer upon sons arrival, to go to restroom before they left. Son meanwhile walked further into the room to say hello to high school friends.

Son was looking down hall at his friend coming back, but in the other eye, looking at a person dropping something into his beer on the table near the front door. Son got across the room fast enough to slap beer out of his friends hand before he was able to drink. Got his friend outta there.

Son comes home, asks "What do I do? Tons of my friends were there, and they are dropping drugs in their beers? I dont want to get killed. What can I do tomorrow? Gotta do something."


I told son to make appt with Principal at school about grades or such. Go into office, shut door, tell principal not to say anything, and tell Dad's story about nurses and friend's dead son.

Then, tell her what parents to call to let them know what happened.


6 weeks later I asked son how his friends were.

He said 13 out of 14 of their lives were saved, one lost. He said that 13 were royally pissed about being drugged without their knowledge.


It is time to realize that not all addicts are getting that way voluntarily.

It is time to call this murder spree what it is… WAR on the American people. WAR.


It is time to get the police to clean out those "War on Drug" special operators who are paid to fight the war on drugs by victimizing the victims. This program is a good start. Some police districts have been corrupted by the war on drug money. We have to stop this. We have to go after the cartels, now that they are no longer in foreign lands.

Anonymous ID: 03868a Jan. 16, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.7831432   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Seven and Counting: Cambridge, Massachusetts Passes Facial Recognition Ban



“Cambridge joins a small but growing number of cities who are stepping up to protect residents from intrusive and undemocratic technology.”


Needed. Facial Recognition Free Sanctuary cities/counties.