If Agenda 21 was such a great idea, why deny it's existence?
In 1978 we were being warned to reduce greenhouse gases to avoid the "Coming Ice Age"
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"An important distinction is the difference between education about sustainable development and education for sustainable development. The first is an awareness lesson or theoretical discussion. The second is the use of education as a tool to achieve sustainability. In our opinion, more than a theoretical discussion is needed at this critical juncture in time. While some people argue that "for" indicates indoctrination, we think "for" indicates a purpose."
Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014
When presented with the CO2 levels that show significant CO2 level rises in recent history, comparing them to global temperatures from ice core samples, one must wonder how there is a direct relationship. There is not.
If CO2 levels caused warming, what accounts for the warming prior to elevated CO2 levels??
>>>7830724 (You)
Kyle Jurek, I thought you were in Jail??