Does God win?
What do you think?
I hope you have thought about it,
Because to be truly awake
Means that you do have to think
To question
And to use your logical thinking rational mind
To figure things out.
Does God win?
What do you think?
I hope you have thought about it,
Because to be truly awake
Means that you do have to think
To question
And to use your logical thinking rational mind
To figure things out.
Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor
SQUIP for short
Take the chill pill
And it will embed itself into your brain
That image of the slab headed teenager
Reminds me of this movie
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Where Ultron, the alien AI,
Who is supposed to bring
World Peace
Decides that the best way
To make
Whirled Peas
Is to kill off all the humans.
Skynet? Terminator?
This glowing image was a glimpse
Of the brain of Ultron
As it merged itself with Tony Stark's
Crude human-built AI.
If you get one of those watch devices with a microphone
They hear everything you hear
Not just the distant muffled sounds of lovemaking from the bedroom
But every grunt, moan and slap
Up close and personal
They can chart the frequency of vaginal farts
Monitor your heart rate, your breathing, and even your approximate blood pressure
As the act progresses.
And if you partner ALSO has a device
They get the whole picture
From the 3d acceleration/gyro sensor
They can measure how hard you thrust
And how your partner reacts
If you are turning her off
They know
If she is thinking of divorce
They know and can recommend a good lawyer to her.
Oh, and there is the night-shift coffee breaks
Where they play the choicest audio recordings for the group
God help you if you say something that IDs you during sex.