Anonymous ID: 1a8ad1 Jan. 16, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.7833703   🗄️.is 🔗kun




#7813121 at 2020-01-14 21:51:55 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #10,000: WWG10000WGA! NO FEAR! Edition



.jpg is OK.


Same identical file if named .jpeg is not OK. Server treats it different, does not display proper thumbnails on hover.


.png is OK.

.gif is OK.

.MP4 is OK.

.PDF is OK.



#7755038 at 2020-01-08 22:38:35 (UTC+1)

#9925: Paul Krugman's Qanon Falls Flat Like His Economics! Edition


Agreed, you are not a faggot

>>7754842 lb


Information about Graphics Files

".jpeg" and ".jpg" are synonyms for an identical graphics format. There is no difference between files named .jpg or .jpeg. The only difference is the filename extension.


However if the file is NAMED .jpeg , it will pose problems on 8kun, in that for reasons unknown, the 8kun server software treats it differently than the identical FILE named .jpg


So .png files are fine.

So are .jpg files, if the name is .jpg


If you have the ability to rename .jpeg files to .jpg then it is perfectly OK to post them here.


Memefarmer actually prefers .jpg to .png because – for photographs & such – .jpg files tend to be more compact.

A 95% quality setting sometimes shrinks the .jpg file significantly and generally cannot be visually distinguished from an uncompressed file.


A megabyte here and a megabyte there, and pretty soon we are talking about really large storage requirements. So MF favors minimizing storage and bandwidth requirements when it's convenient to do so. Because WWG1WGA. Bandwidth and hard drives and such are a limited resource for some anons.


Realize that phonefags don't have easy tools to rename their graphics files and that's OK too. They shall post .png and nobody shall complain.


For the meme archives, Meme Farmer actually CONVERTS most of the .png files posted here to .jpg files to make them smaller. Sometimes 10% smaller, sometimes shrink them as much as 90%.

Meme Farmer also uses a tool (Trimage) to shrink .png files. It removes unnecessary color profiles and things of that nature that do not affect the appearance. It sometimes makes .jpg files a lot smaller too, depending on what the file contains.


Have fun, post a lot, store any image that Q posts UNALTERED in case it contains stegonography that we may some day be able to decode if provided with a password.

Anonymous ID: 1a8ad1 Jan. 16, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.7833734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3763 >>3789


No. Pens having an identical form factor and appearance.

Does Parker offer the customization option that resulted in Pelosi's signature being embossed?

Would Parker do a deal with /ourguys/ to insert a GPS tracker (receiver + wireless transmitter + possibly a small battery) if requested by, say, NSA or CIA or FBI etc.?