Anonymous ID: 3a939d Jan. 16, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.7833455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3463 >>3486 >>3504 >>3512 >>3537 >>3552 >>3679 >>3689 >>3706 >>3711 >>3771 >>3791

Kevin Spacey - free, victims dead

Jeffrey Epstein- dead, victims no justice

HRC - free, traveling

Obama - free, making business deals

Harvey Weinstein - soon

Justice doesn’t exist in government


Everything you are witnessing and have witnessed has been orchestrated and planned. There’s a reason the internet was created. There’s a reason why cryptocurrency and blockchain was created. There’s a reason why CERN has a role in this. There’s a reason why A.I is vital to their means. In the scheme of all this there’s an even greater reason why YOU are all complicit in what’s to come.


There’s no “good side” in government working in your favor. There’s a purpose as to why certain things are playing out the the way they are and it’s all in order for the next needed thing to take place. The Patriot Act was needed but not to protect but instead to gather, but gather what. AI was and is the goal. Everything since then and long before has been well thought out. Public perception is important to create the new narrative. YOU have helped their efforts in many ways. Why are you asked to meme? Why are you asked to push things on public platforms (social media)?


Why does the media make you out to be lunatics part of a cult? THINK


This is all in preparation. Are you starting to understand how it works? Why do they want your weapons? Why are they now being banning in VA? How do you think we got there?


You will not see the indictments that you seek. Your reaction then will help their cause far more than you know.

Anonymous ID: 3a939d Jan. 16, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.7833563   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Note your link. Many know the constitution is what stands in their way. Think. How strong is it now compared to the past. The foundation is no longer there making easier to bypass. We aren’t far from us losing it’s worth, meaning, and it’s power over Americans. Search out the bills/laws.

Anonymous ID: 3a939d Jan. 16, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.7833693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3731


Many of us have been posting here to warn you. We risk endangering ourselves and families. We have inside knowledge due to our current positions. It’s not fear that motivates us, it’s regret. Regret for being part of something that we did not want to be a part of. We’re to correct the wrongs. You are being misled, and many here are working for them to push you in the direction they want you in.