Anonymous ID: 4513c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 2:37 p.m. No.7833083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3305 >>3433 >>3733 >>3801

O’Keefe: Bernie Sanders’ Iowa Field Director Bailed Kyle Jurek Out of Jail After Recent Arrest – Were Campaign Funds Used to Bail Him Out?


Project Veritas this week released part 1 and 2 of their “Expose 2020” series showing a Bernie Sanders field organizer praising Joseph Stalin and saying he had a legitimate reason to use gulags.


The Bernie field organizer called for the mass murder of opposition if President Trump wins reelection.


“F*cking cities will burn” if Trump gets reelected Bernie Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek told an undercover Project Veritas journalist.


In the video you see Bernie’s Field Organizer Kyle Jurek suggesting that Trump supporters need re-education camps.


Bernie’s Field Organizer has a long arrest record.


Kyle Jurek was arrested on drug charges back in 2016 and he was arrested again in 2009 on drug charges.

Anonymous ID: 4513c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.7833098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FLASHBACK: GAO Found Barack Obama Broke the Law in 2014 and Put US Lives in Danger – But No Calls for His Impeachment



FLASHBACK: GAO Found Barack Obama Broke the Law in 2014 and Put US Lives in Danger – But No Calls for His Impeachment

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft January 16, 2020


Speaker Pelosi switched tactics once again this morning.

Democrats now want to impeach President Trump for not giving tax-payer dollars to the corrupt Ukrainian government fast enough.


Pelosi made the announcement on Thursday morning during her weekly briefing.


The Government Accountability Office issued a legal opinion on Thursday saying the Trump Administration did not give US tax-payer dollars to corrupt Ukraine fast enough.

The GAO just happened to release their report on Thursday morning to help Democrats and Nancy Pelosi.


What a coincidence!

Anonymous ID: 4513c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.7833348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3433 >>3733 >>3801

Closer Everyday


Rentable Facial Recognition Robots Coming To A Conference Near You


Conference goers now have to be wary that robots will identify them everywhere they go.


Corporations can now rent Chinese-made CloudMinds robots that can identify everyone on the conference floor. (To learn more about CloudMinds and China click here & here.)


CloudMinds mission is to "make helpful robot services possible and to make them safe, secure and affordable." While their hidden mission is to help governments identify everyone.


According to CloudMinds "About Us" page, their so-called values are to convince employees, moms, dads and their children to trust rentable emotion and facial recognition robots.

We make helpful robot

Their rent-a-robot program allows business owners to choose between "Cloud Pepper" and the "XR-1" emotion and facial recognition robots.


The Cloud Pepper robot, based on SoftBank Robotics, is being billed as the world’s first personal humanoid robot.


"The first of its kind of novel humanoid robot. This robot is able to converse, dance, answer questions and even suggest related products. With the addition of the Harix AI platform, we are able to add functionality to SoftBank’s Pepper robot. These added functionalities include facial recognition, emotion recognition, text to speech, weather data, and with many more to come."

Anonymous ID: 4513c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.7833393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3433 >>3733 >>3801

FBI, ICE and Dept of Education IG Investigating Ilhan Omar For Possible Student Loan Fraud, Immigration Fraud


The FBI, ICE and the Department of Education’s Inspector General are all looking into Democrat Muslima Rep. Ilhan Omar, according to investigative reporter David Steinberg.


Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is under heavy fire from the conservative media over her many scandals including marrying her own brother to defraud US immigration, tax fraud, identity fraud and more recently an affair with a married man.


Ilhan Omar refuses to answer questions about her fraudulent marriage to her own brother and accuses anyone asking questions of bigotry and Islamophobia.


Omar also dodges any questions about her affair with a married man even though her campaign paid over $200,000 to her married lover.


David Steinberg’s impeccable investigative reporting on Ilhan Omar over the last few years has revealed she may have committed the “worst crime spree in Congressional history.”

Anonymous ID: 4513c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.7833412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3433 >>3457 >>3501 >>3733 >>3801

The US Space Force Just Swore in Its First “Chief of Space Operations”


This week, Air Force Gen. John “Jay” Raymond was sworn in as the chief of Space Operations for the new United States Space Force. While it was initially reported as somewhat of a joke when Donald Trump first announced it, the U.S. Space Force is a very real thing and is now the seventh military branch of the Pentagon.


On Tuesday, Raymond was sworn in by Vice President Pence at his ceremonial office.


“It is President Trump’s belief that the United States must remain as dominant in space as we are on land and sea and the air. And your charge is to see to that mission with the United States Space Force,” Pence said during the ceremony.


Raymond responded by saying, “Mr. Vice President, we have our marching orders and we are moving out. We do not want a conflict to begin or extend into space, we want to deter that conflict from happening. The best way I know how to do that is to do so from a position of strength.”

Anonymous ID: 4513c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.7833452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3465 >>3484

UK Police Refuse to Turn Over Information That Could Prove Prince Andrew is Guilty


The infamous UK Police department Scotland Yard is refusing to reveal Prince Andrew’s location on the night that he is accused of being with Virginia Giuffre, one of the young girls trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein who was underage at the time she claims the Duke had sex with her.


Members of the royal family are regularly accompanied by police guards in their day-to-day activities and there are records of where and when the officers were sent—or at the very least a record of which officers worked on which day. If these records were to be made available investigators could easily determine where Prince Andrew was on the night in question, but police are saying that handing over such information could pose a threat to national security.


During his disastrous BBC interview, Andrew claimed that he was at a Pizza Express in Woking on the night then 17-year-old Giuffre (nee Roberts) says the pair visited a club and later had sex. If the Duke is indeed telling the truth, then his claims could be very easily corroborated by whichever guard was on duty at the time. Unfortunately, Scotland Yard has not been willing to cooperate.

Anonymous ID: 4513c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 3:47 p.m. No.7833629   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Will The Iranian Mullah’s End Be Revealed Soon?


Less than two months after the November uprising in Iran, we are witnessing the emergence of another wave of uprisings that has changed Iran’s socio-political environment. Khamenei had hoped to be able to draw millions of people to the streets of different cities in Iran for the funeral procession of Qasem Soleimani. To do so, many different tactics were employed, including paying cash to people, filling busses with village people, closing many schools and government offices for the day of the funeral and forcing them to attend, offering free breakfast, lunch, and dinner, promise of grade upgrades to university students, as well as scaring and intimidating people. The idea was to use Qasem Soleimani’s funeral ceremonies to launch a massive propaganda campaign, portraying him as a hero. Khamenei wanted to use the crowd to prove that President Trump was wrong in ordering the Soleimani assassination. He also had hoped that the people would forget the brutal killing of more than 1500 protesters in November 2019. Concisely, Khamenei wanted to show the world that the people on the streets are living proof that his regime is still popular among the Iranian people. Well, things did not materialize as he had planned and in fact, the opposite happened.

Anonymous ID: 4513c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.7833709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3723

Fresh protests erupt in France over Macron’s proposals for pension overhaul


Updated January 16, 2020 5:46 pm


Opponents of French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposed overhaul of France’s pension system marched in Paris and other French cities Thursday on what is the 43rd day of strike action that has hobbled trains and public transport.


At the call of trade unions, train and metro workers, teachers and others took to the French capital’s streets to demand that the government scrap its pension proposals.