Anonymous ID: 7922f1 Jan. 16, 2020, 2:42 p.m. No.7833120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3173


ISRAELI JEW clown CUTURAL FAIL: Projecting Israeli's Enemies As Anons


You Jewish clowns have stopped using "Russian bots" and have switched to "IRGC" now.


Most Americans don't even know what irgc is, and DON'T CARE. Only Israelis know their neighbors by name, like you accused anons of being "quasem" a month before he was killed, while Americans never heard his name— only you Jews in Israel.


You're STILL not Blending In at all.

CULTURAL FAIL - you always use the WRONG cultural references for Americans, dumbass.

Show everyone how Israeli you are.