Anonymous ID: 93d4b3 Jan. 16, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.7833495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3532 >>3733 >>3801

Clown efforts to silence the truth about child abuse and MKUltra practices; then and now.


  • The False Memory Syndrome Foundation was created in 1992 by known pedophiles and its board was fortified with CIA mind-control experts who cut their teeth on MKULTRA victims. Many of them are known to be closely associated with Michael Aquino. This organization of pedophiles and mind-control experts have been very instrumental in covering for Aquino and other pedophiles while destroying the lives and careers of their victims, the victim’s families, and their therapists, even long after these pedophiles performed their vile acts against them. Survivors Celebrated the End of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation After 27 Years: The False Memory Syndrome Foundation quietly announced its dissolution, effective Dec. 31, 2019.


  • So with the end of FMSF how else would Aquino and his allies try to silence truth-speakers? Use Psyop methods? Create false organizations claiming to help abused children? Infiltrate groups fighting abusers and discredit them? Create competition and confusion? Attack those telling the truth with lawsuits to distract?

Probably a number of options. (more about Aquino posts in Qresearch here):


  • HERO Child Rescue Corp

Noticed posts about an alleged DOD group working to save abused children. Sounded like a great idea, so thought I’d check them out. Their link was posted a few breads ago.

From their web site:

Group pic of the “Hero Child-Rescue Corp; The H.E.R.O. Child-Rescue Corps mission: To put an elite corps of veterans on a new battlefield: protecting America’s children. Application Coming soon.”


Partners listed:

National Association to Protect Children [ a political organization established in 2002 and dedicated to the protection of children from abuse, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization ]

Homeland Security Investigations (part of ICE)

U.S. Department of Defense, 7701 Tampa Point Boulevard. MacDill Air Force Base, FL 33621


Looked for reports of children they’d saved in the past and found this:

“In fiscal year 2013 to date, more than 2,000 child predators have been arrested by HSI on criminal charges related to the online sexual exploitation of children. Since 2003, HSI has initiated more than 29,000 cases and arrested more than 10,000 individuals for these types of crimes.”


Great – but wait - continuing: … “The HERO program is made possible by a five-year $10 million initiative funded by the private sector that underwrites training, logistics and equipment.” So this program was funded 2013-2018? So how is this one funded now? The nonprofit listed above? Maybe these are two different programs? Is this “HERO” a new program using the same name as the old “HERO”?


The 2013 report site [old “HERO program”] is: https dot gov but

the [new HERO program] site is: http dot net.

Further search - the IP address led to two locations: San Francisco, CA and Ashburn, VA.


San Francisco: Home of Aquino (and lots of others)


Ashburn VA: CIA & National Museum of Intelligence and Special Operations, a project of The OSS Society, a nod to the Office of Strategic Services,3_IL.4,11_IC1130338.htm


Seems kinda spooky to me. Love the idea of Vets saving children, but not so sure about this one Anons.