Anonymous ID: 6fffce Jan. 16, 2020, 4:28 p.m. No.7834002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4099

>>7833979 she is trying to stop him from asserting his authority in the impeachment. She wants him recused so he can't interject his authority at this phase of impeachment. IT NOW FALLS UNDER HIS PREVIEW

~lawfag jr

Anonymous ID: 6fffce Jan. 16, 2020, 5:31 p.m. No.7834591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4608 >>4619

AG Barr is under fire because he gained jurisdiction over the impeachment. He had NO jurisdiction while it was in the house and NO action to remove the president was taken. Formal action has been taken today.

The dems did NOT put forth articles of impeachment that meet the threshold of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, therefore this is an unconstitutional act by Congress to attempt to remove a sitting president.

Congress shall not commit an unconstitutional act. It shall be void.

The House has the sole responsibility to impeach. The Senate has the sole responsibility to try.

The House has committed an unconstitutional act by sending the articles to the Senate. Voting without sending them forward is 1 thing. The House turned jurisdiction over to the Senate triggering a trial for the purpose of removal.

AG Barr represents We The People. Because this situation involves the harm to many citizens, ( criminal or civil) he MUST engage.

He would be impeached himself if he refused to engage.

The reason the impeachment cannot be challenged while in the House by SC is because no 'damages' have happened.

Moving it to the Senate creates the 'Damage' state.

POTUS has been served and is NOW required to respond to charges.

He is supposed to be charged with High Crimes and Misdemeanors ( but that didn't happen ) and required to have personal counsel as well as WH counsel ( tax payer paid )

Legal action cannot ensue unless 'damage ' occurred. "Damage' has occurred today.

Schiff had legal protection on the floor of the House for his false statements, He no longer has that protection.None of them do.

1st order of business will be the House stating their case ( they have 24 collective hours ) They cannot go outside the 4 corners of their articles and claim additional acts beyond the 2. (ex: he shot someone on 5th ave)


I strayed a bit but hope you all understand the legal authority Barr has now that a trial has been triggered.Barr has to step in BEFORE false legal activity takes place that harms We The People. The Senate cannot march forward with an unconstitutional act or they themselves are acting unconstitutionally.

~lawfag jr