Anonymous ID: 9de23c Jan. 16, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.7834241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4369

I don't know if these have been posted today. Was AFB testing bakertoolsfag's JS all day and logging tickets for his next round.


Repost for moar eyes?


President Donald J. Trump is Safeguarding the Right to Religious Freedom for Students and Organizations


Remarks by President Trump on the Announcement of Guidance on Constitutional Prayer in Public Schools


These are very big, bold moves IMO and very glad to see them.

Anonymous ID: 9de23c Jan. 16, 2020, 5:06 p.m. No.7834369   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These remarks this afternoon were amazing. Here's one from a teacher who joined POTUS after signing this religious freedom thing:


"MS. RHAMES: I’m Marilyn Rhames. I’m the founder and president of Teachers Who Pray. And I founded Teachers Who Pray because I, as a teacher, believe in the beauty of every child and the unlimited potential that resides within. However, the students that I was getting weren’t set up for success because they were so significantly behind grade level. And I taught in Chicago public schools for 14 years. And during that time, we were losing students every year to gun violence. And one year, it was like 30, 32 students getting killed.


And I was overwhelmed with the heaviness of the work, so I thought about quitting, and I decided not to. I was going to fight. And I was going to pray and uplift my spirit so that I can do the job that I knew God had called me to do.


So I began praying with other teachers in the building who were like-minded, and we really supported each other, built community, built more hope, built more joy in the work despite it being so difficult. And we grew. Like, right now, there’s over 150 chapters of Teachers Who Pray because teachers need that spiritual support and guidance.


And today, I believe it’s super important because there is a myth out there that what Teachers Who Pray does and other organizations do for teachers, spiritual wealth is not legal. And it absolutely is.


And I’m here to tell teachers that we need to pray for your faith. We need to pray. We need to buckle and just do what we have to do for our kids because they need us and they’re depending on us. And if we’re not strong, we can’t make them strong. So that’s why I’m here."