Anonymous ID: d16a5b Jan. 16, 2020, 4:35 p.m. No.7834054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4071 >>4140 >>4432


This anon is learning Aramaic and Hebrew. There is too much lying going on. These Talmudists(ancient Babylonian mystics practicing Luciferian metaphysics; hate Yeshua)teach rituals of ancient cults spoken of throughout the Bible as having deceived the Israelites many times. They were always punished for this. The current indoctrination is so thick that we have allowed a largely Christian nation to finance and protect this cult because it has hidden behind the fake state of Israel. The Devil's intent is to build a new temple and reinstitute the sacrifice and be worshipped there like God. Go read the literature from the Temple Institute and try and explain to all of us that this cult hasn't maneuvered the world into global governance to usher in their ruler who was intended to rule in a new temple from the Temple Mount. That's what they want, now you know. Oh and the Bible talks about this too kek. I was born for this like many of you were. We all need to be sharpening our swords, it's still going to get worse before it gets better. We all need to be able to stand and speak confidently when others are confused by the lies. There will come a time when each of us are the anchors of those around us.

Anonymous ID: d16a5b Jan. 16, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.7834204   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Was an act of self preservation. If anyone else had inherited his power he would have been a target and never allowed to enjoy his power. If he returns a lot of the power back to the people he has a chance of keeping any future leaders hands tied by the institution the people and he create. He would ultimately be selling his previous actions as a means to an end and that he had no choice but to lead that way for a time. If all goes according to plan he will now be able to enjoy the billions in his friends bank accounts. Ever hear the story of his billionaire cello player friend? kek