Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.7833895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3983 >>4545 >>4557

‘Using Every Tool Available’: ICE Subpoenas Sanctuary City For Information On Wanted Illegal Aliens


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) subpoenaed Denver authorities for information on four illegal aliens who were previously arrested by the city for various violent crimes.

The agency says it’s being forced to ratchet up its approach with “sanctuary” jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, leading to the subpoenas against the Denver government.

The four illegal aliens in question had not only been arrested for violent crimes, but also had all been previously deported. Despite ICE detainers, the city chose to release three of them and is expected to release the fourth.


Immigration and Customs Enforcement subpoenaed Denver officials for information on four illegal aliens wanted for deportation, marking a dramatic escalation in how the agency is dealing with sanctuary cities.


ICE subpoenaed Denver authorities for information on four illegal aliens who the city had previously arrested for violent crimes, the agency confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation. The undocumented aliens in question included three Mexican nationals and one Honduran national — all of whom had been previously deported before illegally reentering the country.


The Associated Press reported on the agency’s subpoenas Wednesday.


“On Monday, ICE issued four immigration subpoenas to the Denver Justice Center requesting information about egregious criminal aliens on whom ICE is seeking for immigration enforcement purposes. These aliens had all come into custody at the Denver Justice Center but were either released despite ICE having lodged a detainer or remain in custody,” an ICE spokesperson said to the DCNF.

Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 4:24 p.m. No.7833960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feds Probing James Comey for Previously Unreported Leaks Involving Wasserman-Schultz and Soros’s Open Societies Foundations


Fired FBI Chief James Comey admitted in June 2017 during Congressional testimony that he leaked memos to his close friend Daniel Richman, a law professor at Columbia University, in order to push a special counsel against President Trump.


In April 2018 James Comey admitted that he leaked his private and likely classified memos with Patrick Fitzgerald last year when he was fired.


And now federal prosecutors are investigating whether fired FBI Director James Comey leaked classified information to reporters on the Clinton investigation back in 2016.


Talking Points Memo reported:


Federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C., are probing whether former FBI Director James Comey leaked classified information about a Russian intelligence document to reporters, The New York Times reported Thursday citing unnamed people familiar with the investigation.


Specifically, the Times reported, investigators are looking into at least two news articles about the document, which played a central role in Comey’s unusual 2016 decision to announce that Hillary Clinton would not face criminal charges for using a private email server as secretary of state.


The document has been described in various reports as a Russian intelligence analysis of a purported email sent from Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), who was then the chair of the Democratic National Committee, to an official at George Soros’ organization, Open Societies Foundations. Some officials have suggested the document is purposeful Russian misinformation, the Times said.


The Russian analysis of the email reportedly stated that Wasserman-Schultz told the Soros official, Leonard Benardo, that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch would make sure the probe into Clinton’s private email server wouldn’t conclude with charges against Clinton. Wasserman-Schuiltz and Bernardo, the Times noted, both deny being in contact with each other.

Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.7833990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4099

The Reds are back! Voice of America ‘promotes’ Communist leader to PM… showing once again MSM can’t do Russia


US-government sponsored Voice of America is well aware that Russia’s new PM Mikhail Mishustin is “a career bureaucrat who never had political ambitions” but, strangely enough, it doesn’t seem to know what the man looks like.


Kudos to the US outlet for having noticed a major shake-up in the Russian government, but someone at the desk needs to read up on the country’s internal affairs, it would seem – if only for better face recognition. A photo of the long-time leader of Russia’s Communist party, Gennady Zyuganov, has appeared on VOA’s article about Mishustin – who was ratified by the parliament as Prime Minister on Thursday.


The caption under the picture reads “Russia’s new Prime Minister Mishustin” – and neither photo nor caption seems to be going anywhere over an hour later. Who’d ever care to check, right?


Notably, the two men don’t really bear a lot of likeness. Zyuganov is 23 years older than Mishustin and has more hair on his head than the actual PM, who is almost bald.


Even a noticeable pin, shaped as a red Soviet flag, on the lapel of the Communist leader’s jacket wasn’t enough to raise the suspicions of VOA photo editors.

Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 4:33 p.m. No.7834032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4179

US to resume flight training for Saudi students after suspending program following terrorist attack in Pensacola


Pentagon officials are 'looking forward to turning it back on in the coming days.'


The U.S. military plans to resume flight and field training for Saudi Arabian students "in the coming days," after placing the program on hold following the terrorist attack carried out by a Saudi national who murdered three American service members and injured eight others at a Pensacola air base last month.


What are the details?


During a press conference Thursday, chief Defense Department spokesman Jonathan Hoffman told reporters to expect an announcement on the program soon, saying, "We're looking forward to turning it back on in the coming days," according to the Associated Press.


The flight and field training for more than 800 Saudi Arabian students was suspended after an enrollee — a member of the Saudi Arabian Air Force — killed U.S. sailors Cameron Scott Walters, Mohammed Haitham, and Joshua Kaleb Watson in a Dec. 6 attack at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola. Classroom training has been ongoing.


Earlier this week, Attorney General Bob Barr announced that after investigating the Pensacola shooting, officials confirmed that the attack was an "act of terror." The assailant, who was killed while exchanging gunfire with first responders on the scene, was found to have posted "anti-American, anti-Israeli, and jihadi messages on social media" hours before the attack.


Another 21 Saudi nations in the program were set for expulsion after investigators found materials such as jihadi messages and child pornography on their devices.

Anything else?


Attorney General Barr has also pleaded for Apple to assist the FBI in unlocking the murderer's two iPhones, which were damaged during the attack but have been restored.


The Daily Mail reported that Apple issued a statement saying it was cooperating with the FBI, saying, "We have the greatest respect for law enforcement and have always worked cooperatively to help in their investigations. When the FBI requested information from us relating to this case a month ago we gave them all of the data in our possession and we will continue to support them with the data we have available."

Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.7834248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ankara Asked U.S. To Restore Support For Idlib Militants – Report


Turkey has asked the U.S. to restore its support for the remaining militants in Syria’s Greater Idlib, the Syria TV reported on January 16, citing several sources.


One of the sources told the pro-opposition channel that Turkish officials informed leaders from Greater Idlib of their request during a meeting that was held in Turkey a day earlier. Ankara also promised to support the militants against the ongoing Syrian military attack on the region, according to the source.


“Turkish officials have informed faction leaders that Ankara has asked Washington for logistical support for the [Syrian] military factions, and has provided it with a list of what’s needed, but they are still awaiting a response from Washington,” the Turkey-based TV channel quoted the source as saying.


Another source told Syria TV that U.S. officials will be meeting factions’ leaders in Turkey on January 17 to discuss the situation in Greater Idlib. The source didn’t clarify if the meeting is related to Ankara’s request.


U.S. President Donald Trump suspended support for armed factions in Syria a few years ago. The decision was likely the result of the factions’ failure and their close ties with terrorist groups.


In the last 24 hours, Greater Idlib witnessed a new escalation with the Syrian Arab Arm (SAA) resuming its attack in the region’s southeastern part. The step came following a short ceasefire that was sabotaged by the region’s militants.


If confirmed, the Turkish request to the U.S. could further escalate the situation in Greater Idlib. Ankara appears to be determined to support the region’s militants, who are led by a terrorist group, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.7834359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4405

45-Year-Old Man Caught With Child Pornography Says He Identifies as an 8-Year-Old Girl


A 45-year-old man caught with child pornography had a novel defense in court; he claimed he identified as an 8-year-old girl.


Facing up to 20 years in prison, Joseph Gobrick told a judge in Michigan that he had a First Amendment right to view child porn on his computer and that he was in fact an 8-year-old girl, so it didn’t matter anyway.


“I’ve always been an 8-year-old girl, and even in my drawings and fantasies I’m always an 8-year-old girl,” said Gobrick.


After his claim that he was in fact a child and therefore immune from prosecution didn’t impress the judge, Gobrick resorted to implying that his oppressors were behaving like Nazis.


“Under the law, Auschwitz was legal,” he said, arguing, “What you’re doing here is wrong, just as Auschwitz was.”


Joseph Gobrick is a 45-year-old male sex offender in Grand Rapids, Michigan who claims that he has “always been an 8-year-old girl.” So on top of being a female child, he also doesn’t age. He has self-ID’d himself into immortality.


— Upnextcanadatv (@upnextcanada) January 15, 2020



“If Gobrick can identify as a female, why can’t he identify as a female of whatever age he chooses?” asks Matt Walsh.


“At least a man who “feels like a child” can rightly point out that he was once a child, so he has some frame of reference for judging these feelings. And at least it does make sense, in the case of certain mental disabilities, to say that an adult “has the brain of a child.”


“None of this vindicates Gobrick to any extent at all, but my point is that transageism is actually more credible and makes more sense than transgenderism. It’s still bogus, but slightly less so. Age does change, after all. I will not be a 33-year-old man forever. But I will be a man forever. If my sex is a fluid characteristic, how much more fluid must my age be?”


Who knows, the way western society is heading, Gobrick’s excuse may well be accepted by courts in 5-10 years.


If Rachel Dolezal can identify as black and Caitlyn Jenner can identify as a woman having been a man for over 50 years, why not?

Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 5:10 p.m. No.7834412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4438 >>4527

Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies “Yummy” on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening.


To promote his new single “Yummy”, Justin Bieber posted strange pics of random babies with the hashtag “Yummy.” Also, there are lots of references to pizzas. Also, the “Yummy” music video has a hidden message. What is going on with Justin Bieber?


Justin Bieber released a new single called Yummy and it seems to be custom made to piss people off. For starters, the song’s brain-numbing hook is somewhat infuriating in its own right. It’s like it was written for toddlers.


Yeah, you got that yummy-yum

That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy

Yeah, you got that yummy-yum


However, the verses make it clear that the actual subject of the song is very adult and very sexual.

Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening.


A headline from Elite Daily about the song’s lyrics.


Here’s an example of suggestive lyrics:


That jet set, watch the sunset kinda, yeah, yeah

Rollin’ eyes back in my head, make my toes curl, yeah,


Here’s another barely veiled sexual verse:


Standin’ up, keep me on the rise

Lost control of myself, I’m compromised

You’re incriminating, no disguise (No disguise)

And you ain’t never runnin’ low on supplies


While Bieber is clearly not the first artist to release a pop song with sexual innuendo, the promotion surrounding the single makes things extremely weird and uncomfortable. Whoever handler’s Bieber’s Instagram account decided it would be a good idea to post pictures of random babies with the hashtag “Yummy”.



Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 5:12 p.m. No.7834438   🗄️.is 🔗kun








Justin Bieber released a new single called Yummy and it seems to be custom made to piss people off. For starters, the song’s brain-numbing hook is somewhat infuriating in its own right. It’s like it was written for toddlers.


Yeah, you got that yummy-yum

That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy

Yeah, you got that yummy-yum


However, the verses make it clear that the actual subject of the song is very adult and very sexual.

Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening.


A headline from Elite Daily about the song’s lyrics.


Here’s an example of suggestive lyrics:


That jet set, watch the sunset kinda, yeah, yeah

Rollin’ eyes back in my head, make my toes curl, yeah,


Here’s another barely veiled sexual verse:


Standin’ up, keep me on the rise

Lost control of myself, I’m compromised

You’re incriminating, no disguise (No disguise)

And you ain’t never runnin’ low on supplies


While Bieber is clearly not the first artist to release a pop song with sexual innuendo, the promotion surrounding the single makes things extremely weird and uncomfortable. Whoever handler’s Bieber’s Instagram account decided it would be a good idea to post pictures of random babies with the hashtag “Yummy”.


Here are some examples.


Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening. Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening. Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening. Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening.


Bieber’s IG account contains many more pictures of babies. To make things even weirder, Bieber also posted the song’s title with pizza letters.Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening.


It is now a widely known fact that “pizza” is a code word used in pedophile circles. It even became a meme in internet forums such as 4Chan. To those who understand the sick codes of these people, the combination of the song’s lyrics with pictures of babies and the word “Yummy” written in pizza letters is difficult to ignore.


Another widely known meme associated with these creeps is pedobear. Here’s another post on Bieber’s IG account in the midst of the Yummy promotional blitz.


Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening.


To make things even stranger, the music video adds another layer of “what in hell?”

Yummy Music Video


The music video takes place in a posh restaurant that is attended by posh-looking people. It’s the type of place people in the elite would go to.


At the beginning of the video, the camera lingers on children playing music.

Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening.


The only children in the restaurant are the musicians. In other words, children are the “entertainment”.


While the children are playing, Bieber enjoys weird food with some weird-looking people.

Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies "Yummy" on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening.


Dining with the occult elite?


Considering the subject matter of the song, one can easily interpret that this orgy of food is actually meant to represent an orgy of people. The close-ups of people suggestively eating food are not very subtle


What is Happening With Bieber?


Some might wonder why Bieber is partaking in this is creepy and overt child-loving stuff while he could, like, not do it. The short answer is: He doesn’t have a choice. Since the very beginning of his career, Bieber was always an industry pawn, with little or no control over his career. As the last frame of Yummy appears to say, Bieber himself might have been abused by creeps in the music industry.


Others wonder why Bieber – who is a devout and outspoken Christian – is partaking in this occult elite stuff. Indeed, there are lots of Jesus-related posts on his IG account (although weirdly mixed with creepy, Yummy-related pictures). However, to get a better picture of what is happening here, we need to look at Bieber’s church: The powerful, star-studded Hillsong Church.



Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.7834451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4536 >>4546

UK Police Refuse to Turn Over Information That Could Prove Prince Andrew is Guilty


The infamous UK Police department Scotland Yard is refusing to reveal Prince Andrew’s location on the night that he is accused of being with Virginia Giuffre, one of the young girls trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein who was underage at the time she claims the Duke had sex with her.


Members of the royal family are regularly accompanied by police guards in their day-to-day activities and there are records of where and when the officers were sent—or at the very least a record of which officers worked on which day. If these records were to be made available investigators could easily determine where Prince Andrew was on the night in question, but police are saying that handing over such information could pose a threat to national security.


During his disastrous BBC interview, Andrew claimed that he was at a Pizza Express in Woking on the night then 17-year-old Giuffre (nee Roberts) says the pair visited a club and later had sex. If the Duke is indeed telling the truth, then his claims could be very easily corroborated by whichever guard was on duty at the time. Unfortunately, Scotland Yard has not been willing to cooperate.


In a statement responding to the inquiry, Scotland Yard said that revealing information about the disgraced prince’s whereabouts on the night in question could “undermine the safeguarding of national security,” according to the Sun.


“It would allow those with a criminal intent to gain an operational advantage over the MPS and place those who the MPS have confirmed are afforded protection, as well as protection officers, and members of the public at risk,” the statement continued.


The investigation into Prince Andrew’s location on that night of the alleged crime is part of a case involving numerous Epstein victims who have been seeking justice for many years. As the Mind Unleashed reported last month, lawyers representing the victims have said they intend to subpoena Prince Andrew so he is forced to testify in court about his relationship with Epstein and his victims.


Andrew has already been caught in several lies since his appearance on BBC including a leak of private emails where he mentioned Virginia Giuffre by name despite claiming to have never heard of her during his interview.

Anonymous ID: f1e6f8 Jan. 16, 2020, 5:20 p.m. No.7834500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘YOU SAW ME ABUSED’ Prince Andrew Epstein scandal accuser Virginia Roberts posts chilling message aimed at Naomi Campbell and Ghislaine


A FORMER sex slave of Jeffrey Epstein has posted a chilling message aimed at Ghislaine Maxwell and Naomi Campbell alleging they did nothing to stop the abuse.


Virginia Roberts, 36, who alleges she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew three times, tweeted her fury at members of paedophile Epstein's social circle.


She wrote: "You saw me at your parties, you saw me in Epstein’s homes, you saw me on the plane, you saw me get my haircut, you saw me on the streets, you watched me be abused. You saw me!


"#Awareness #Justice #GhislaineMaxwell #JeffreyEpstein #NaomiCampbell #PrinceAndrew"


Ghislaine Maxwell has been accused of procuring young women for the multi-millionaire sex offender who died last August while awaiting trial for charges relating to the trafficking of minors.


It was at her home in West London where Prince Andrew was pictured with his hand around the waist of Ms Roberts.


The Duke of York strongly denies all allegations of sexual misconduct made against him.


Ms Roberts was pictured beside Naomi Campbell during the supermodel's glitzy 31st birthday party in St Tropez in 2001.


Representatives for Campbell denied she was close friends with Epstein - and said that he had only been invited to her birthday party by her then boyfriend, Flavio Briatore.


There is no suggestion the supermodel or her guests knew who Ms Roberts was - nor had any knowledge of Epstein's behaviour.