Anonymous ID: 444e9c Jan. 17, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.7837643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7652

On the Q-Clock.

Quarter marker.


Attack on US base in Iraq on January 7/8 was in full cooperation between US and Iran.


Military personell were warned hours in advance of the attack and were ordered to hide inside the bunkers.


Operators onsite. (Manned base)

Deep. (Bunkers)

Safe. (No loss of life, only some concussions by impacts)



No inside leaks. Clean house. Bolton is a traitor and a paid supporter of the Marxist MEK Terror Cult and is advocating regime change in Iran and replace it with Maryam Rajavi as leader for over 10 years.

So even before MEK was delisted as FTO by HRC/Obama admin (2012), Bolton got paid by them.

He is a Deep State agent and a TRAITOR.