Anonymous ID: 637462 Jan. 17, 2020, 2:15 a.m. No.7837302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7836809 (LB)


Just wanted to call attention about this post in the last notables.

This is an extremely important article BUT the information is so vast and the part noted was way down the list it would be better to post that part and others bringing attention to in smaller bits, imo. It is too important to give one sentence out and then post a link to go sift through to find the pertinent part. It truly is jammed packed with information. Here is some of the article:


“A detailed analysis by the World Bank found that while $100 trillion is held by pension funds and other institutional investors, these same investors allocated less than $2 trillion over a 25 year period into infrastructure investment in emerging markets. And the fraction of that investment that could be considered green, clean, or climate-friendly was negligible.


So, what can be done? Whether you choose to look through the lens of unprecedented challenge or unprecedented opportunity, there is violent agreement that institutional capital needs to be “unlocked” (a favorite word on the climate conference circuit) and mobilized quickly and at scale.” [Emphasis added]


The foundations involved in climate policy from inception, that continue to work hand-in-hand with select NGOs and NGO leaders, are the same foundations to benefit from the Climate Finance Partnership. The roadmap to unlocking 100 trillion dollars is identified in pension funds. The roadmap to the privatization and financialization of nature, global in scale, is the interlocking directorate of the non-profit industrial complex, a matrix of overlapping highways of hegemony.


On December 12, 2017, at the One Planet Summit, Frank Bainimaramai, COP23 President and Prime Minister of Fiji, stated:


“…after all when we talk about tapping into the vast amounts of institutional capital for climate solutions we are largely talking about the retirement savings of ordinary hard-working citizens and we need to honor the expectation of being good stewards with the money…”


To be clear: The money for multi-billion-dollar corporations – to create privatized services and industries, under the guise of environmental protection, is going to be PAID FOR BY THE PUBLIC – BUT THE PUBLIC WILL NOT OWN THEM. (For this would be communism – a detestable idea in the Western world.) For the corporate sector, it’s no risk – all profit. Anything that fails – the public is on the hook.


John D. Rockefeller once stated that, “the ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun.” Truer words were perhaps never spoken.


The skill and precision in achieving the protection and expansion of the capitalist economic system is today nothing less than extraordinary. By utilizing the non-profit industrial complex, the world’s most powerful oligarchs need not force their will onto society. Rather, akin to what Aldous Huxley prophesized in his fictional novel Brave New World, we have been manipulated and engineered to demand the very “solutions” that will further empower those that destroy us.


“The climate Glitterati, such as, M. Bloomberg, L. DiCaprio, N. Stern, C. Figueres, A. Gore, M. Carney. All of these people have huge carbon footprints, and they fly around the world in private jets to inform us what to do about climate change. They are supported by a whole cadre of senior academics promoting offsetting, negative emissions, geo-engineering, CCS, green growth, etc. These are all ‘an evolution within the system.” — Kevin Anderson, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research [Source]>>7836639

Anonymous ID: 637462 Jan. 17, 2020, 3:04 a.m. No.7837421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425 >>7438 >>7711


You do know they have those wave/sonic/whatever weapons that can incapacitate one or a whole of people at time right? Nothing you could do. They can hit at a distance. Just saying, they don't need bullets tear gas, saying pretty please, just drives you away in seconds.

Anonymous ID: 637462 Jan. 17, 2020, 3:11 a.m. No.7837433   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have not seen the thing demonstrated in large crowds but I don't see, if they had those things mounted on something like the crowd control tanks, many of them, I don't know. I think it could work.

I just remember watching that training drill called the boston marathon bombing and it was frightening. They have been preparing for this for decades and with soros funding. He is taking this to a war situation.


One thing I would love to see, is soros dying before his dream is realized.