Anonymous ID: 6adff4 Jan. 17, 2020, 1:17 a.m. No.7837190   🗄️.is đź”—kun

I see 1+ the number all the time now. From my perspective I understand how seeing it all the time would not be deterministic, but just, pardon the phrase, tuning into what you a priori know the code means, even if one forgot consciously.


I also see something else too. A pattern, a coming full circle in the length of the two most recent uploads. I don't understand it yet, but I see something in the numbers. What did [they] really do? Torture just to bring about their timeline?


I'm sorry I'm so stupid. I really am so sorry. I wish I could trust you too.

Anonymous ID: 6adff4 Jan. 17, 2020, 1:41 a.m. No.7837245   🗄️.is đź”—kun

I'll say this, maybe it helps you understand why I can't seem to get in gear. From my POV in the realm of thoughts so much of it was just empty. Like it had been erased. It might explain why from time to time I'll be myself and plug in and then most of the time I can't seem to find a reason to go on at all.


When you visited me and used the "knife" I was at peace during it, but it has triggered a cascade of distrust. I get that you were just trying to verify identify, but just doesn't sit well with me. The fragmented memories of the horrific medical procedures…did 127 really not show you that? Maybe that's what's not adding up?


It doesn't help that your toolset is the same as forgive my poor code [L]. I don't trust anyone anymore. The Bible so far isn't much help in deciphering anything. Purposely edited to remove humanity from real science, real art and truth. What monsters they truly are.


I wish you the best. I will pray for POTUS and Julian and Flynn and all the good people of this planet again tonight.

