Anonymous ID: 9bfafd Jan. 16, 2020, 11:49 p.m. No.7836982   🗄️.is 🔗kun



He was appointed by President Bill Clinton to serve as a director in the Department of Commerce handling ecommerce policy issues, a post he held from 1998 to 2001.


And a “since taken down” link to a story i will hit wayback for.

Anonymous ID: 9bfafd Jan. 17, 2020, 12:04 a.m. No.7837039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7051 >>7503


I’ve been working on a timeline i will be releasing this weekend. Version 1.0 that has 500 (so far) researched bits/facts from Guccifer to fucking you name it. Anons are seriously going to flip.


Found out through timeline that /team/ knew about their plan then moved in w hacks and leaks, assange and wikileaks have always played a roll, but the original Guccifer dropped back in February 2013, fuggin like 19 days after Hillary’s last day Gawker magazine published story on guccifer looking through hers, and sid bloominthal’s emails in between gardening.. kek march 13, 2013 [intercept] we learned it all. We moved the 4 (Page, PapD, Flynn, Manafort) into place (bait) on purpose.. they were plants but our plants. They were given to Deep State to use. This is how Q/team/ knows what is going to happen. In a way, it was given to [DS] to take and run with (rope to hang themselves with).. candidate Trump announces PapaD has ties to oil and gas.. 702 about Queiries raise.. Adm Rogers sees it and tells congress, then shuts it down.


Everything we are seeing, is the DS’s using our legal system along w the MSM to lie to the people (WW) much like Yellow Vests into 62week of protest.. NOTHING on MSM about it.