Anonymous ID: 9cab25 Jan. 17, 2020, 3:16 a.m. No.7837443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7456 >>7483 >>7541 >>7669


I can explain why it's incredibly difficult for a sex-trafficked child to truly recover and have healthy relationships.


The younger the child is when the life-disrupting sexual assaults and dysregulation begin, the more difficult it is for the child to regain "normal" perspective and emotional reactions to sexual stimuli.


The most common situation is for a very young female child to be kidnapped, mind-controlled through individualized combinations of shame, blame, withholding of approval, awarding of approval for sexual interactions, and (if deemed necessary) physical beatings and deprivations to convince the female that unquestioning submission is the only route to survival. Shakespeare produced an owners' manual on this situation, titled, "The Taming of the Shrew."


Once liberated from abject submission as a lifestyle, the female (possibly still a minor child) is confronted with societal norms for behavior. She learns that only virgins retain any value as a wife for decent men who will value their women and treat them with respect and gentleness. All other females are treated as "the whore" and disrespected, mistreated and exploited. Since the sex-trafficked female child is already familiar with being disrespected, mistreated and exploited, such relationships feel "normal" to her, and she is very likely to select partners who re-create her childhood suffering again and again, until someday, with help, she is able to begin respecting herself and requiring better treatment from intimates.


For the innocent young male child who is abducted and sex-trafficked, regaining a healthy perspective on relationships is even more difficult. Because of lingering societal taboos on homosexuality, the male child who was sex-trafficked and then somehow rescued retains guilt for any pleasure he may have experienced while being abused. He is likely confused about right and wrong, good and evil. Males tend to reinforce the hierarchy of survival of the fittest, and respect/admire the stronger/cleverer, dominant male, even if/when said dominant male subjects more vulnerable people around him to beatings, torture, deprivation and abuse as control mechanisms.


The child who experienced inappropriate sexual contact as a child and nevertheless lived to tell his story, has to internally sanitize his experiences in a way which restores his sense of self-respect and individuality. He must simultaneously find a way to rationalize any physical pleasure he may have experienced with his inherent sexual orientation (usually heterosexual). He must establish a way of relating to his external environment in a way which offers him a sense of being in control, while expanding his world to allow other, emotionally healthy people, into his life.


For the male child who was sex-trafficked, society offers much less empathy, and messaging such as "any sex you got should have been gratefully accepted" and "if you enjoyed anal penetration, you're gay" relegates the maturing child to a limited and distorted view of right and wrong. Such a child may struggle more than most to establish healthy personal boundaries, and to maintain such boundaries in relationships.


Both male and female victims of pedophilia may react to their struggles with promiscuity upon puberty, due to a low self-esteem stemming from their early life experiences. Later in their sexual maturity, these individuals may feel shame for their pubescent acting-out and acquiescent sexual personas.


As adults, who have hopefully had their adolescent and early-adult years to heal from their childhood abuses, sex-trafficking victims often still wrestle with redefining themselves as "survivors" rather than victims, as a way to re-establish healthy personal boundaries and self-esteem.


For those people whose entire childhood and adolescence was marred by sexual slavery , degradation, torture and utter destruction of the self, adulthood's challenges to sustain healthy boundaries and become self-sufficient may seem like a pipe dream, no more attainable than becoming King or Queen, or even a self-made Billionaire. Such people need vast quantities of patience and reassurance, while being provided with carefully-controlled opportunities to experiment with self-sufficiency and healthy boundaries, before they will be prepared to engage in healthy relationships.


I hope that some of this information helps those who have never experienced the horrors of childhood abduction, molestation, rape and mind-control to be able to feel compassion and empathy for those lucky few who survive their traumatic childhood and are given a second chance at life.

Anonymous ID: 9cab25 Jan. 17, 2020, 5 a.m. No.7837711   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Nothing you could do.


Correction: for every evil freedom-suppressing tech, there's at least one way to protect oneself and render the tech useless. Those who are complicit in inventing this crap owe a duty to the American public to publish how best to neutralize the threat.


If it's sound-based, shielding one's ears with weapons-grade earmuffs would help, as would full-body EMF protection. Ditto for skin-frying 5G-frequency technology, with the addition of a hand-held parabolic dish to reflect their evil right back at 'em. Other engineers closer to the tech have additional practical countermeasures?