Anonymous ID: 1e7e28 Jan. 17, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.7838215   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sick bastards


Researchers Pay Mexican Women to Get Pregnant Then Abort


Researchers have conducted experiments on dozens of young Mexican women, paying them to be artificially inseminated and then extracting their embryos for analysis, NPR reported Thursday.

At a hospital near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, reproductive geneticist Santiago Munne and his team injected the women with powerful hormones to stimulate their ovaries to produce eggs and then inseminated them with donor sperm. After four to six days, the team flushed out any resulting embryos from the uterus via a procedure known as “lavage.”

Some of the women underwent surgical or chemical abortions afterward, when it was discovered that some embryos might not have been successfully removed.

The stated purpose of the study was to discover whether it is clinically feasible to recover living human embryos by uterine lavage from fertile women for “preimplantation genetic testing” and compare them to similar embryos conceived by in vitro fertilization.During the course of the experiment, the team harvested a total of 134 living embryos from 81 women they had recruited at Punta Mita Hospital in Mexico. Several of the embryos were eventually implanted in other women, resulting in the birth of three babies, and others were frozen.