Anonymous ID: 7efb93 Jan. 17, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.7838371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8380 >>8445


Under siege would be an understatement

With over 90 percent of his counties rebelling against his draconian gun law proposals and thousands of pissed off Virginia citizens prepared to storm the castle, Gov. Northam is frantically erecting physical barriers to contain the riff-raff. Imperious and lordly, this little tyrant strikes a comedic pose as he struts around the castle walls, daring his subjects to defy him.

Northam has buttressed his capitol police force with city cops and state troopers and he is having barriers erected around the capitol building and statehouse. Streets immediately surrounding Capitol grounds will be closed and there’s going to be additional fencing around the Capitol building. On Monday, there will only be one public entrance at the gate near N 9th Street and Grace Street, where all visitors will have to go through a security checkpoint with metal detectors.

Setting a tone of fear and paranoia, he is flapping around like Henny Pen-Pen screeching about the militia, white supremacists, and out of state troublemakers. Only it isn’t the sky that’s falling in Virginia, it’s the Constitutional rights of Old Dominion citizens—and they aren’t having any of it!

King Northam has decreed that no weapons will be allowed on the capitol grounds, not even helmets or shields! Does this remind anyone else of the 1775 British army’s march on Lexington and Concord to seize colonial weapons? Didn’t that officially touch off the Revolutionary War?