Anonymous ID: 7f7ee7 Jan. 17, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.7837734   🗄️.is 🔗kun

God Emperor of Dune

is the 4th book in the Dune series by Frank Herbert


Leto II's prescience allowed him to see into both the past and the future, and he believed that ten thousand years of rule by the Faufreluches had allowed the human race to become stagnant, and that drastic action on Leto's part was needed in order for the human race to survive.


Leto II was also aware that a likelihood existed that the Thinking Machines, before they were destroyed in the Butlerian Jihad, had scattered. A stagnant human race would have little chance should the machines return. The entire purpose of "Leto's Golden path" was to force the human race to abandon certainty, security, and safety as individual goals and to "scatter" not only geographically, but also to do so technologically, ideologically, and socio-politically.


Colonising the Moon, then Mars, then the Asteroid Belt…

… and then Ross 128b, only 11 light years away


Humanity is about to begin The Great Scattering

Anonymous ID: 7f7ee7 Jan. 17, 2020, 8:15 a.m. No.7837914   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Humanity is about to begin The Great Scattering


We are already in the midst of one kind of Great Scattering. Instead of having a global Pyramid of Top-Down Control over everyone and everything, Trump's moves have shattered the NWO and scattered it in 195 pieces, namely the 195 sovereign nations who can now do their own thing on their own territory.


We'll still have global cooperation but it will be bottom up where the people elect politicians in their various sovereign with a mandate to do some kind of joint work with other sovereign nations.


It's more a question of control, and of oversight. Having power scattered around, allows oversight to happen and makes it very hard for oligarchs to get control.

Anonymous ID: 7f7ee7 Jan. 17, 2020, 8:41 a.m. No.7838112   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here is a Gen Flynn interview on Aug 10 2015 on RT where he tells an Al-Jazeera reporter that the Obama administration made a willful decision to do what their doing to support Salafist insurgents and Al-Qaeda in Syria.


If I were a prosecutor, I would look at what is known about USA actions in Syria at that time from other sources, and given Flynn's statement on this interview, I would call him as a witness. And if he feels that he has to disclose classified info, I would make the necessary arrangement to get that testimony.


Probably won't embed so here is the URL. Go to 00:41 if you are impatient.