Anonymous ID: 842b7c Jan. 17, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.7838123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8139 >>8160


That video complete explains how the Dems are using lies for distractions… you should REALLY WATCH IT! It will remind you of a few past presidents and a whole lot of current democrats… and the media too… #WWG1WGA

I plan on dropping this meme on every post the Democrats make with lies and distractions… so all of them. Hopefully people will watch the video and it will wake a few up… if not it’s still a great video

Anonymous ID: 842b7c Jan. 17, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.7838246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8332

White House Says It’s Happy to Disclose Secret Service Spending on the Trump Clan—After the Election


The government spent about $96 million on travel by Obama over eight years, according to documents obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch. A report by the Government Accountability Office, which serves as the congressional watchdog on federal spending, estimated that Trump’s travel cost $13.6 million in just one month in early 2017.


That spending was the cost all-in for Secret Service and Defense Department personnel, including equipment and office and hotel space, all of which put Trump on pace to top Obama’s eight-year travel expenditure in his first year in office. The Post puts the total cost of a Trump visit to Mar-a-Lago at $3.4 million per visit. And let’s not forget, it’s not like this is due to Trump flying all over the world to represent Americans’ interest, which would be understandable—he’s going on a weekend break, usually to play golf.


And then there are the Trumpettes. “The extensive international business travel and vacations of his grown children, with Secret Service agents in tow, as well as the expense the Secret Service incurs to secure numerous Trump properties, have added to the agency’s financial strain, according to its budget requests,” the Post reports. “Since their father was elected, Trump’s sons Eric and Donald Jr. have made business trips to overseas locales including Ireland, Scotland, Dubai, Uruguay and India. In 2017, Eric Trump’s visit to a Trump building under construction in Uruguay cost taxpayers $97,000.” Don Jr. has reportedly given up his security detail, but who really knows what exactly that means and how often Don Jr. and his siblings are costing us.


The White House has been unforthcoming when it comes to disclosing its use of public monies on presidential travel, something that, used appropriately, would be a dull line item of necessary spending on the business of governing. The Secret Service has also been cagey, putting off submitting legally required spending reports to the Government Accountability Office in recent years. That’s left watchdogs and journalists to piece together spending numbers from across the federal government to glean what the cost of Trump’s travel might be. The result is the public has some individual brushstrokes, like the fact that the Secret Service has spent $588,000 on golf cart rentals during the Trump presidency, but not the whole picture. It’s a—big, beautiful!—picture that Donald Trump, or at least his treasury secretary, says he totally agrees the American public should see. Just not until it’s too late to do anything about it.




I think they’re trying to figure out how to take Trump out… permanently. I think it’s also why they’re brainwashing their base into violence hoping one will act out. Then they won’t hv to get another Lee Harvey Oswald