Anonymous ID: 8fa878 Jan. 17, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.7838286   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Another excerpt below. This reminds me of the current situation in the U.S. We have a wildly popular president in Trump - but we all wonder about what happens after Trump. Q says there is a plan. Part of the plan must be to lay the foundation for our system to survive after Trump, not just who the next President will be.



"Again, this is all part of the next stage of Russia’s development and democratizing some of the President’s power has to happen if Russia is going to survive him leaving the stage.


"Because it is one thing to have a man of uncommon ability and patriotism wielding that power responsibly. It’s another to believe Russia can get another man like Putin to take his place.


"So, Putin is again showing his foresight and prudence in pushing for these changes now. It shows that he feels comfortable that this new structure will insulate Russia from external threats while strengthening the domestic political scene."