Anonymous ID: 9118ae Jan. 17, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.7839253   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think of it as a way to see where the red line is with citizens. If this illegal order gets obeyed, then every State will try it believing patriots will obey the edicts, give up arms, and obey edicts on magazine sizes. If "civil disobedience" comes into play, Richmond PD refuses to violate Constitutional Rights, and National Guard tells Northam to eat shit, then all that's left for the gun-grabbers to do is appeal to emotions about protecting kids or such twattle.

Remember Dallas? One Army Reservist with one tour in Iraq took out 11 Dallas PD, 5 permanently, until cornered and blown up by a robot. What would Richmond PD do when combat infantry vets, used to teaming up almost instantly, and well practiced in fire and maneuver in places like Fallujah get pushed too far? I think real ugly real fast.

This is a test to see where the limits are and governor blackface is expendable. How well the injunctions (their arena) will work is anybody's guess. If Richmond PD gets smoked, then VA NG gets called out against vets who know the same tactics and equipment and start getting beaten up then watch who screams for Martial Law. Seemes to me POTUS has a bona fide National Emergency and any attempt at trying to push impeachment sure seems like High Treason to me.