Anonymous ID: 07fdb3 Jan. 17, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.7839822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9875 >>9890 >>9947 >>9958 >>0013

9th Circuit Court Of Appeals Deals Brutal Blow To Teens Who Sued Trump Over Climate Change


The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California ruled Friday that children do not have standing to sue the Trump administration and the federal government for not adequately addressing climate change.


Climate policy comes under the purview of Congress and the president, not the court system, the U.S. Court of Appeals decided in a split decision. Attorneys for the teenagers can ask the U.S. Supreme Court to allow the trial to continue in Oregon, where it was initially filed.


“The panel reluctantly concluded that the plaintiffs’ case must be made to the political branches or to the electorate at large,” the panel of judges noted.


“The political branches might conclude—however inappropriately in the plaintiffs’ view—that economic or defense considerations called for continuation of the very programs challenged in this suit,” the court noted, citing the government’s concerns that unforeseen factors complicate such policies.


The 21 young people involved in Juliana v. United States sought a court order requiring the government to implement an “enforceable national remedial plan” phasing out carbon emissions in an effort to stabilize the climate. The case has survived several attempts by the government to torpedo the case after it was originally filed in 2015.


The U.S. Supreme Court in November 2018 decided not to block the lawsuit — the move came less than two weeks after Chief Justice John Roberts granted the government a stay in October 2018. The court’s order said the government should seek relief before the 9th Circuit.


Plaintiffs in the case asked the court to issue an injunction to prevent the government from issuing oil extraction licenses before March, when the Trump administration plans to offer nearly 80 million acres of unleased areas off the Gulf of Mexico.


President Donald Trump has made headway in recent months changing the makeup of the 9th Circuit Court. He nominated Patrick Bumatay and Lawrence VanDyke to the court in September. They would raise the number of Trump’s 9th Circuit appointees to nine.

Anonymous ID: 07fdb3 Jan. 17, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.7839837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Apple And Amazon Both Exceed In Exploiting America


Two of America's largest companies, Apple and Amazon share an ugly truth. It is rooted in exploitation and how they excel in exploiting America. Due to their strong ties to America's government, both these companies have been allowed to create a persona or facade that far outshines reality. Not only do they exploit workers but each in its own way, mask the huge amount of income they pluck from our government on all levels while avoiding paying taxes. The situation has become so obvious to many people that while moderating the Golden Globes awards, comedian Ricky Gervais in a joking manner slammed actors for calling themselves “woke” while taking money from Apple, Amazon, and Disney, who use slave labor.


While I concede both these companies have many admirers it is important to look from where much of their success flows. Years ago I penned an article titled, "The Poison Apple" where I questioned how Apple remains the darling of so many Americans while stories continue to surface on how it abuses its workers? This coupled with the widespread criticism of its environmental practices and tax avoidance schemes would have caused major damage to the corporate image of most companies. It might even result in large protests outside their offices and massive boycotts of their products. Yet, Apple is a company that Fortune magazine has called the most admired company in the United States and in the world. This is a company that the Economist called a "phenomena" and questioned if "it was a bubble" years before its stock price soared.

Anonymous ID: 07fdb3 Jan. 17, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.7839857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9904 >>9947 >>0013

Neel Kashkari Appeals To "QE Conspiracists": Show Me How The Fed Is Moving Stock Prices… So Here It Is


Things are starting to get surprisingly heated at the Fed, now that not only Wall Street strategists, and traders but also Fed presidents are starting to tell the truth about how the Fed's "NOT QE", which sorry but we will call it by its real name QE 4, is pushing stocks to ridiculous nosebleed record levels (as one can see by the relentless meltup in the S&P over the past four months), at valuations that are now higher the dot com days.



Anonymous ID: 07fdb3 Jan. 17, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.7839884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>9911 >>9912 >>9938

Watch: Virginia’s “Representatives” Conspire Against The People They Serve


I must say that these legislators in Virginia are scared to death of the people they serve, but apparently, they aren’t scared enough as video of them conspiring to ram through banning guns at the Capitol and a legislative law officer building despite surprising their political counterparts with virtually no notice. This is nothing but ex post facto “law,” which is no law and beyond that, these people are knowingly violating the Constitution’s provision to protect the right to keep and bear arms without infringement, as well as their oath of office.


In other words, every single person that voted to advance this tyranny is a criminal and should be dealt with as such.


So, here’s the video courtesy of Brian at High Impact Flix, which is quickly becoming a favorite of mine.


“Our focus here is to keep everybody safe,” said House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn. “These are policies and rules that should have passed a long, long time ago.”


No, safety has nothing to do with this. There is an agenda being advanced.


Sadly, Republicans weren’t that great at opposing this either. They are quite often the impotent, controlled opposition to the mask off Communist Democrats. They spoke softly of the lack of time, the “shoving it down our throats” and so on, but not one of them pointed out that these people are not elected to do any of that. They are elected to uphold their oath of office and protect the rights of the people, which includes protecting the right of the people to keep and bear arms.


The Democrats also sought to claim the new ban was recommended by police, but police should have no say so in this matter when it comes to the infringement of people’s rights. They too, are to uphold the laws that are written to protect us from tyrants like these in the video.


“I just have to say that this is something that’s been recommended by our Capitol Police. And I think there are times when we sort of have to trust what our law enforcement officers are telling us,” House Majority Leader Charniele Herring said.


No, what you need to do is tell them that you have zero authority to be banning guns anywhere, period.


I think they see the handwriting on the wall and it doesn’t look good for them.


In fact, with an overwhelming majority of counties in Virginia becoming Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities in rebellion against their tyranny, it seems these people can write all the words they want to write and they just are not going to be enforced.

Anonymous ID: 07fdb3 Jan. 17, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.7839932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9947 >>0013

New York DEA Diversion Investigator Charged With Attempting To Produce Child Pornography And Enticing A Minor To Have Sex