Anonymous ID: 44daca Jan. 17, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.7839378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9542 >>9808 >>9947 >>0013

>>7839263 (lb)

>Former Commander of Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Convicted of Obstructing Justice in Connection with Civilian Death


Seems like the Former Commander was banging the decesead's wife. The deceased, Chistopher M. Tur and the Commander got into a fist fight over it in the commander's house. Tur was found dead the next day. Shady shit.


According to the indictment, a clash began on that Friday night, Jan. 9, during a “Hail and Farewell Party,” at the Officers Club up the road from Nettleton’s house, to celebrate the arrival of a new executive officer on the Navy base and bid the man he was replacing farewell. Outside, Tur confronted Nettleton and accused him of having an extramarital affair with his wife, Lara.


The two men were separated, but Tur turned up at the captain’s house soon after and a fight ensued. The commander’s daughter heard the fight and sent a series of texts to friends, including one describing her father lying on the ground. “Um well my dad’s really drunk and some other dude is here and they’re like getting into a fight downstairs and I’m hiding,” one text message said. She described the fight as loud, and told a friend she had locked herself in her room.


According to the indictment, that was the last time Tur was seen alive. It describes a series of escalating searches for him across the base, with Nettleton briefing police and other personnel that Tur had last been seen at the club. As the searches went on, the indictment says, Nettleton repeatedly omitted the allegation of the affair, the fact that Tur had been at his house or that an altercation had occurred — including in notices to his commander at Jacksonville, Rear Adm. Mary M. Jackson.

Anonymous ID: 44daca Jan. 17, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.7839701   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Deep state relied on cheap Chinese phones and infrastructure to hide their comms. Fail.

Now Deep State wants cheap Chinese fighter jets to protect their rogue fiefdom.

Deep State is stoopid.