Anonymous ID: 08f6fe Jan. 17, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.7840100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0112 >>0162 >>0367 >>0548 >>0804

Huge Case in the Supreme Court today on the Electoral College!


Supreme Court to decide whether Electoral College voters have a right to differ from state popular vote


The Supreme Court will decide whether Electoral College voters have a constitutional right to cast ballots for candidates who didn’t win their state’s popular vote, the justices announced in an order on Friday.


The justices said they will hear two cases brought by Electoral College voters in Washington state and Colorado who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 despite her wins in those states.


Like most states, Washington and Colorado require their electors to follow the will of their states voters. But those laws are now being challenged by Electoral College voters who argue that such laws are unconstitutional.


A decision in the matter is expected by the end of June, ahead of the U.S. presidential election in November. The cases are the latest in a string of high-profile disputes the top court is expected to resolve in a contentious election year.


Historically, the faithfulness of Electoral College voters has largely been a formality. In 2016, 10 out of the total 538 electors attempted to cast ballots out of line with their state’s popular vote. But attorneys on both sides of the issue urged the top court to resolve the constitutional question before a crisis emerged.


Larry Lessig, an attorney for the electors in Washington, wrote in court papers that a swing by ten electors would have been enough to alter the results in five of 58 previous presidential races.


“This case gives the Court the rare opportunity to decide a constitutional question related to presidential selection in a non-emergency setting,” he wrote.


The Washington case was brought by three presidential electors who cast their ballots for Colin Powell, the former secretary of state under President George W. Bush. The electors were each fined $1,000 under state law, which they have said in court papers appears to be the first fine of its type in American history.


The Washington Supreme Court upheld the fines in an 8-1 vote that rejected the electors’ constitutional objections, including the claim that their First Amendment rights were violated.


The Colorado case was brought by Micheal Baca, who attempted to cast his vote for John Kasich, as well as two other electors, Polly Baca and Robert Nemanich, who objected to voting for Clinton but ultimately did so after trying and failing to get a court order blocking the state law that required it.


Colorado replaced Micheal Baca with another elector who voted for Clinton before he could cast his vote.


A federal appeals court based in Denver ruled 2-1 that electors do have a right to buck the popular vote. The court reasoned that under the Twelfth Amendment, which established modern voting procedures for president and vice president, electors are “free to vote as they choose.”


A number of the top Democrats running for president, including Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, have advocated for eliminating the Electoral College.


President Donald Trump, who lost the popular vote to Clinton by 3 million votes, said in March that he used to support abolishing the Electoral College “but now realize the Electoral College is far better for the U.S.A.”

Anonymous ID: 08f6fe Jan. 17, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.7840374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0410


I'm see some big names in there. Doing research I'm going to dig on every single one. This one is a red flag…..

Marie S. Torres:

Dr. Marie S. Torres is Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Community Research Initiatives at AltaMed. In this role she oversees advocacy, public policy, and legislative initiatives. Simply put, her job is to protect a patient's right to access exceptional health care, and strengthen the communities of all those AltaMed serves.

Anonymous ID: 08f6fe Jan. 17, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.7840599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Media try to destroy another Child…


Rainbow Cake Girl: The True Story


You might have heard about Whitefield Academy, the private Christian school in Louisville, Kentucky, that expelled Kayla Kenney, a 15-year-old student, for posting on social media a photo of herself with a rainbow cake. On the surface, it looked ridiculous: this priggish Christian school kicking a teenager out for merely having a rainbow cake for her birthday.


The story has gone viral in the national media. The Washington Post, for example, reported:


[Kayla’s mother Kimberly] Alford said she is aware that the rainbow-striped flag is a symbol of the LGBTQ community, but emphasized that her daughter’s matching rainbow cake and sweater were simply a coincidental aesthetic and not intended to mean anything more. The expulsion was first covered this week by local news outlets, including the Courier-Journal.


“Rainbows don’t mean you’re a certain gender or certain sex or sexuality,” Alford told The Washington Post, adding that she provided the school a receipt from the bakery listing the cake’s design as “assorted colors.” “I’m not saying she’s this or that — she’s just Kayla to me. … I ordered the cake, she didn’t.”


But that explanation was apparently insufficient for Whitefield Academy, a pre-K-12 school that is affiliated with the local Highview Baptist Church. A request to speak directly with the school’s headmaster was not returned Tuesday afternoon, but in an emailed statement to The Post, the academy decried “inaccurate media reports” suggesting Kayla was expelled solely because of a Facebook post.


“In fact, she has unfortunately violated our student code of conduct numerous times over the past two years,” the school said in the statement. “In the fall, we met with the student to give her a final chance to begin to adhere to our code of conduct. Unfortunately, she did not live up to the agreement, and therefore, has beeFirst, here’s the letter the school sent announcing her expulsion:


To the Parents of Kayla Kenney,


We are sorry to inform you that due to a continued breach of our school policies and expectations, Kayla is being dismissed from Whitefield Academy, effective today, January 6, 2020. Please see the attached letter which serves as the official notice.


The WA Administration has been made aware of a recent picture, posted on social media, which demonstrates a posture of morality and cultural acceptance contrary to that of Whitefield Academy’s beliefs (see the attached picture). Per our in-person meeting on October 17, 2019, we made it clear that any further promotion, celebration, or any other actions and attitudes that are counter to Whitefield’s philosophy would not be tolerated. As a result, we regret to inform you that Kayla is being dismissed from the school, effective immediately.


Please contact the High School Secretary Lori Fryling with any questions regarding Kayla’s records and transcripts.n expelled.”