(lb notable) >>7839888 Walmart U.S. Chief Merchandising Officer Bratspies departs
This is interesting
… in June of 2006, John Fleming, Wal-Mart's Executive Vice President of Marketing, Steve Bratspies, its Vice President of Marketing, David Porter, its Vice President of Merchandising, Raul Vazquez, its Vice President of Wal-Mart.com, and Greg Hall, its Director of Electronics Marketing, flew to Barcelona, Spain to meet with representatives from Tyson Foods, Hanes, other vendors, and Irving Azoff, the entertainment manager of the Eagles. Wal-Mart officers were given tickets for an Eagles concert (with a face value of $300.00 per ticket), along with back stage passes and souvenirs. Upon information and belief, none of the officers ever returned “[a]ny gift or gratuity received … with an explanation of this policy.”