Anonymous ID: ceb207 Jan. 17, 2020, 2:04 p.m. No.7840498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533

A bittersweet time. Bitter to see the desperately insane depths that part of the nation has descended to. Very painful to see a mob of unintelligent & evil traitors openly trampling on all this nation stands for. Sweet to know that they have already lost, and will soon be brought to justice–a beggin' and a weepin' before a disgusted populace.

Anonymous ID: ceb207 Jan. 17, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.7840672   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS, master troller, stirs up the hornets' nest by pointing out that the left machine went against Crazy Senile Bernie, just like in 2016. Bernie wouldn't even exist without that media, but the faux debate did actually look like they went after him, in favor of Warren. Believe our people have the nitty on all 3 of them. So unless they trot out a Hillbags double, or Big Mike (hey, he won't need a running mate–it'll just be Mike & the Boa), it "sort of" looks like maybe a Creepy Joe/Pocahontas ticket. Can you imagine? Q is totally correct to call it fish in a barrel.


Only Biden/Bidan is going to blow up at any moment, with the showdown in the Senate. Might consider Bernie/Warren, but now she is in his face, unless it is all an act. Bernie/Buttgigger is a non starter. Bloomberg buys his way on the ticket as VP?