Anonymous ID: f139e4 Jan. 17, 2020, 2:34 p.m. No.7840756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0839

>>7839683 @realDonaldTrump: Heading to Florida for big Republican Party event. New Stock Market Record. Jobs in USA at all-time high!



The top was cut/paste from our leader-board (i.e. Notables).


This is the thought that comes to mind, and has for a long time. And for those who care, I've been here a long time.../pol/ - migrated to half, jumped to infinity and now here. Only mentioning it so oldfags will hopefully take what I say at face value (make of it what you wish), and not think I'm here to slide or be a divisionfag.


Newton's Third Law of Motion states, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

In the world of addiction, for every high there is (regrettably) an inevitable low which follows. A Yin for a Yang. Light as to Dark.


Now, think again, about those stock market highs and record-breaking job reports.


Empires rise and collapse as sure as the sun rises and sets.


What will we do when, not if, things turn?


My question is this. Is President Trump simply an eternal optimist? Perhaps he feels his role is partially that of cheerleader? I know I felt obama trashed the country at every turn.


Is the gun grab in Virginia the calculated distraction since the faux impeachment didn't hold? Problem - Reaction - Solution? More good ol’ divide and conquer?


I don't think I can last two days, literally two days, when the SHTF (too domesticated).


At this point in my life I have very little faith at people coming together during very difficult times. Difficult as in bread lines, wealth destruction and massive unemployment on a level perhaps heretofore unseen in the annals of recorded history.


Hope I'm wrong. Hope the NYSE goes to 20,000 (even though I'm so broke I don't own one share of stock).


I guess if needed they can just keep printing more and add a few zeros to the ledger to make it all synch.


Just my unsolicited .02

Anonymous ID: f139e4 Jan. 17, 2020, 2:48 p.m. No.7840876   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You're as simple minded and as big of a fool (and probably as dangerous if you ever had any real power) as your comrade jurek. jurek? yeah, that piece of shit caught by Project Veritas who's feeling the burn…I'm mean, about to be fired by the bernie sanders campaign.


you're a fucking idiot who can't see in any shade beyond black/white.


Too bad the world's full of shades of grey.


Yeah, it was all about Israel.


Fuck off you weak pathetic piece of shit. go back to jerking off while spying on your cousin.


Fucking weak angry pathetic fucking loser…and if you ask kindly, I’ll tell you what I really think of you.