Thank you, bakerer.
>i wonder if some women have always been predisposed to exposing themselves for attention
Yes, but the standard used to be letting a flash of ankle show.
A hundred years ago, the thought of a shapely ankle filled many a long night.
Imagine having to feed Barron. I bet that kid can wolf down five thousand calories a day.
SS anon here
Barron got caught looking at baker girls, and FLOTUS grounded him from the computer. That's why Q has been silent so long.
Barron is asking if one of you fags is brave enough to post a petition on the WH site for FLOTUS to give him computer privileges back.
>Hey Barron.. Ask mom if you can wear some dark shades in your next TV appearance.
>2 Pair?
>Waring a pair and holding a pair.
>That'll warp some brains.
Kek. The media would lose their shit, FLOTUS could scold them again, and anons would have a sensible chuckle.
That escalated quickly.