Anonymous ID: 3eb2d1 Jan. 17, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.7841325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1335 >>1348 >>1479

Here's the thing the problem is not that these corrupt people have nothing to lose. It's that they have everything to lose and they will do anything to keep what they have. Once you sell out and come to the realization that you sold out to a lie and the grass is not greener like you were told it would be survival of the fittest kicks into overdrive. I'm by no means telling anyone how to think just an observation but to take a step back and to look at this as a whole and to realize there is more going on than we know. People are children no matter how old you grow your still a child our toys just get bigger and responsibilities become more. And like that you always had bad kids you were told not to hangout with or be around this is somewhat like that in a bigger environment that impacts the world the bad kids came into power and for a long time did exactly what they do–make trouble and pick on everyone else who they consider lesser than. Its just like a group of guys or girls that have a ring leader that instigates everything they do. These people took that from the playground and applied that to the world as they grew and they realized that they were gaining things like monetary, connections and ultimately power but not just ordinary power the power to impact others lives whom they have never met or will never meet. They are so invested into the way of manipulation that they expect everything they say to stick and become their verson of the truth. Just like a child that goes to the store and expects to get a hotwheel car b/c they walked down they toy isle. So the child kicks and screams and makes a huge deal to get what they want and either the parent caves in and gives it or says no and the child learns from both actions. They have applied the same example except there was never a no answer it was always you help me get my car ill help you get your car. When a child gets punished or feels a punishment for bad behavior coming down what do they do? They try to sweep it under the rug as fast as possible initially they may deflect they may lie if its increasing enough and they are never taught to own up for their wrongs they may even develop sociopath tendencies when an uncomfortable issue arises in their life they think they know how to make it go away. Nancy Pelosi yesterday showed the same tendencies. She wanted to write this off as history and sweep it under the rug. This has been going on for a while now its not just her its a plethora of other people who shown negative behavioral traits along with many others things but, it alone shows there's a handful of people that shouldn't be in position to regulate let alone make rules and/or laws for free people as public servants. One of the biggest mistakes other than attacking the President which the man has a right to defend his name and his family just like everyone else in the world does. Is that they forgot the American people throughout this whole ordeal. The longer and longer this goes the more real it becomes like scared children that dont want to be punished these corrupt people dont really want to meet the boogie man. But why dont they just own up?

Anonymous ID: 3eb2d1 Jan. 17, 2020, 4:16 p.m. No.7841554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1569


Right this board has just been lacking some serious substance and has sorta turned into an argument board where no one is sharing a view or opinion just arguing for the sake of arguing & I dont think that was ever the purpose of this board. It was a way to say what you need to say without being chastised for it.