Anonymous ID: 0d4cb9 Jan. 17, 2020, 5:16 p.m. No.7842059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2082 >>2085 >>2090 >>2096 >>2107 >>2164 >>2339 >>2349 >>2414



I'm not a leftist, but I play one on Twitter.

They are at the point where there's more shrill backstabbing than on an episode of the Real Housewives (I would imagine).

The Bernie vs. Warren gangs seem to have forgotten about Trump altogether, in favor of brutal slayings of each other's sacred victimhoods. (Muh college! Muh healthcare! Muh vagina!)

POC against Gays against Communists against Feminists against POCs again.

Back and forth between the righteous indignation and hysterical crying (It's muh Truth!), the boxed wine dealers must be sleeping on piles of money.

Anonymous ID: 0d4cb9 Jan. 17, 2020, 5:36 p.m. No.7842253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2279 >>2372 >>2431


That's almost too easy, and will get a rise but also get you blocked. I want to stay friendly so they keep listening.


I've found it best to ask "harmless" questions, and let them make the statements that the others will attack them for. They're very emotional at times. Sometimes rabid, sometimes manic, but also sometimes tuned out. It doesn't take force, just patience.


Very occasionally I'll turn it up to 11 and be the craziest one in the room. If it isn't all the time, they're pretty accommodating, since I'm sure they figure it won't be long before they're the one losing it.


It's also great when thoughtful righties come in to attack me, and I can basically amplify and repeat the best parts of their message at will without fear of detection. "Look at what this jerk thinks about the great Trump economy! Those people in China need the jobs too!"


One time I got a rightie and a leftie to unite in an attack against me. They became friends. I shed a tear of joy. Feels good, man.

Anonymous ID: 0d4cb9 Jan. 17, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.7842423   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You never know until you try. If this doesn't appeal to you, find something that does.

When I started, I just wanted to say truth masquerading as ridiculous shit and not get immediately banned.

Covert warfare doesn't come naturally to me, and it has given me sweaty palms moar than once, but little by little I got better at it.