Anonymous ID: 32472f Jan. 17, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.7841933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1947 >>2149


Voat Anon. The Judith Barsi case has been updated.


The New Years Blind Item Reveal Dump produced something of massive relevance to this case. A BI about Wes Craven being a pedophile who’s prefered targets are girls <11 years old. Given that he’s also a producer AND was the director for A Little Peace and Quiet, that means that he is the culprit of the Twilight Zone Incident.


Also contained are more digs on the Bronfmans and Vanguard group.


Anons, I believe this is the case that absolutely needs to be exposed to the public for I believe it has the best chance of being able to red pill people about Hollywood pedophile rings.


This is why I am sending a call to arms for meme war operations regarding this case. A new strike of Operation Yep Yep Yep. What is especially needed are infographs connecting various suspects and accomplices along with various connections to the cabal/deepstate/DNC. The working theory section of the linked thread has their names. Previous digs linked in the thread have plenty of info for the infograph.


A Meme War Chest. Feel free to use the memes as inspiration to make BETTER memes, since you guys are much better memers than I’ll ever be.

Anonymous ID: 32472f Jan. 17, 2020, 5:07 p.m. No.7841969   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A Little Peace and Quiet was part of the pilot for the 1985 version of Twilight Zone.


You’re thinking of the 1983 movie. Part 10 of the case DOES cover the movie. Enty may have done a BI on the 1983 incident.