Anonymous ID: 3f2839 Jan. 17, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.7842281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

conversation with lefties who are very kind and try to be spiritual and who are trying to understand Trump supporters.

Some, ex-Media person was on the brink, precipice, of getting it.. So close, [knows how the Media operates, lies] but can't quite break through

They know they are in a bubble, and "echo chamber" and want to talk with real live Trump supporters, but apparently get yelled at if they do?


They don't understand the reason they are not listened to is because they are boring and all their "arguments" are canned and predictable.

Some lament "This will never be over, even if he loses"


& "Things have become more polarized"

& "I think it's all because "they" can't deal with globalization" [code for racist?]

also read "the other" "they" don't like brown folk -" That's the problem

But aren't they the ones who can not deal with "the other" i.e. Trump supporters, in their own Country?

Maybe we should get out on the street and just talk to people


These are all college educated.

Un-college educated today understood everything about "Q" and "Q" program but could not get beyond Trump-hate and the lies about him which they believe!

Everything pro-Trump is a lie, in their universe.


"I think your wrong, but I'm listening"

Anonymous ID: 3f2839 Jan. 17, 2020, 5:47 p.m. No.7842362   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sometimes they are better than any other news source though. Mixing the honey with the poison?

I like the site.

Figure NYTimes and "Jones" is Mossad too

Actually I prefer Faal over either of the above.
