so… Eminem hid A LOT of truth in this new project. There really is layers to this shit.
you're welcome.
who on Earth would be interested in an album with a name like that?
at least ask the important questions…
what year did it happen?
what has changed since then?
can't win against a liar like you.
DJT would probably say the same thing if fakenews asked him about it
the top of the page is perfect.
Freedom of speech is brutal…
but that is the beauty of it.
idk bro.
never met the guy besides the few words swapped online.
I just feel like some people are quick to attack, when they genuinely have NO IDEA what the back story is…
>but you claim I had no idea?
correct. WE have no idea….
all you can do is assume.
so I assumed with you for a second.
I'm over it.
to blend in with the evil space demons long enough to save the innocent space babies
obviously neither of us HONESTLY know if Jim is a spook or not.
ME + (OP) = WE… it's not an argument, dumbdick.
you're doin' the Lord's work, anon.
never back down!
well said.
I use google almost every day…
I used it earlier today to find the closest att store near where I was at the time.
were you being serious?
depends on what you (both) are calling 'they'…
if you mean the comp'd algorithms that keep us shadowbanned from searches without knowing it? yes, they do.
I have one with my name on it too, anon.
I can show ya if you want… it means nothing. (besides proof that Lev made a financial contribution to the Trump Campaign)
topkek, I have a blackberry..
which is practically a google device now.
I can't run from it anon, so I just sing in dance in the middle of it.