Anonymous ID: b3c259 Jan. 17, 2020, 4:48 p.m. No.7841829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Islamic State’s ‘very own Jabba the Hutt’ captured in Mosul


IRBIL, Iraq — An Iraqi SWAT team this week captured a hefty high-ranking Islamic State official who was pictured crammed into the bed of a police pickup truck after his arrest in Mosul. The arrest of ISIS mufti Abu Abdul Bari, also known as Shifa al-Nima, was announced by the Iraqi government’s security media cell in a statement Thursday. Bari, a preacher known for “provocative speeches against the security forces” is considered one of the top leaders of “ISIS gangs,” the statement said.


Considered by ISIS to be an authority in Quranic law, Bari issued religious rulings, or fatwas, ordering the execution of scholars and clerics who refused to pledge allegiance to the terrorist group when it occupied Mosul, the statement said. He also ordered the July 2014 destruction of a mosque built at the site believed to be the burial place of the biblical prophet Jonah, who once had a notable encounter with a whale.


The mosque was one of several cultural sites the extremist group destroyed as it swept across Syria and Iraq, claiming large swaths of territory for its self-styled caliphate. The group has been ousted from all the territory it once held but remains an insurgent threat in the region. Memes including “He puts the fat in fatwa” spread on social media after photos were posted of Bari seated on cushions inside his apparent hideout in one image and loaded into the back of a pickup truck in another. The images of his arrest would strike a psychological blow against ISIS, Maajid Nawaz, founder of the London-based counter-extremist organization Quilliam, wrote on Facebook. “Gluttony is frowned upon by jihadists. But also, ISIS branded themselves as fighters possessing rare courage & discipline … meanwhile this walrus was their top religious cleric,” he said.


Macer Gifford, a British anti-ISIS activist who fought with a U.S.-backed Kurdish militia in Syria, applauded the arrest in a Twitter post. “I’m delighted to say that the Islamic State’s very own Jabba the [Hutt] has been captured,” he wrote, comparing the cleric to the slug-like gang lord of the Star Wars universe who lived on the desert planet Tatooine. “Good luck hanging him in Iraq.” Iraqi officials did not immediately respond to inquiries about the raid, which occurred as U.S.-led coalition forces reportedly resumed their support for government anti-ISIS operations. Nawaz also compared Bari to Jabba the Hutt and offered a Star Wars-themed joke about the arrest. “Today was a good day for the Force & a bad day for evil,” he wrote.

Anonymous ID: b3c259 Jan. 17, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.7841993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2021 >>2027 >>2117 >>2126 >>2185 >>2339 >>2349 >>2376

Virginia: Crisis “Actors” Sought Ahead Of Northam’s Lobby Day Trap


Without fail, as you look back at the false flag shootings in America or other mass shootings, there are scheduled “mass shooting training” that takes place either just prior to or on the very day of the attack. Additionally, many reports have documented where government has sought “crisis actors” in what it calls “training” ahead of these very attacks. With Lobby Day just days away in Virginia on Monday, January 20, Virginia is now seeking “actors” for an “ongoing live roleplaying project.”


First, the setup. Governor Ralph Northam has issued an illegal state of emergency claiming the militia will storm the capitol, something that has zero evidence. That “state of emergency” claim by Northam is being challenged by Gun Owners of America as well as the Virginia Civil Defense League (VCDL) by their filing of an emergency injunction against the governor. Clearly, those who will be attending the annual Lobby Day on Monday have done so annually for years without incident, although at this point, one wonders what lobbying does when you have representatives and a governor who are traitors to the Constitution and the people of Virginia in imposing their lawless tyranny. So, we get this ad at for “actors.”


Here’s the description:

Description: HEAT courses are designed to prepare NGO staff for operating in challenging international environments through in-person simulations. Actors take on varying roles (terrorist, IED victim, hostage, rescue team) throughout each workshop. The work can be intense (both physically and mentally) but also very rewarding. By the way, the pay isn’t bad either. The rate is $250 per day plus $50 to travel.


So, what does HEAT stand for? Hostile Environment Awareness Training. Isn’t that what Governor Northam is lying about? Hasn’t he just come up with the fact that an annual event where citizens exercise a right protected under the First Amendment to address their grievances is now a threat? Why, yes he has. Just in time for Lobby Day and the governor’s illegal order, we have Virginia looking for paid actors to play roles, including terrorists, hostages, rescue teams and IED victims. Anyone seeing a pattern here from previous false flags orchestrated by our government? I sure am. And, in case you haven’t noticed, the Twitterer-in-chief has said absolutely nothing on this.


Interesting: The page where the appeared is now 404

Virginia Film Office

Anonymous ID: b3c259 Jan. 17, 2020, 5:22 p.m. No.7842120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2212

Watch Virginia’s “Representatives” Conspire Against The People They Serve (Video)


I must say that these legislators in Virginia are scared to death of the people they serve, but apparently, they aren’t scared enough as video of them conspiring to ram through banning guns at the Capitol and a legislative law officer building despite surprising their political counterparts with virtually no notice. This is nothing but ex post facto “law,” which is no law and beyond that, these people are knowingly violating the Constitution’s provision to protect the right to keep and bear arms without infringement, as well as their oath of office. In other words, every single person that voted to advance this tyranny is a criminal and should be dealt with as such.


“Our focus here is to keep everybody safe,” said House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn. “These are policies and rules that should have passed a long, long time ago.” No, safety has nothing to do with this. There is an agenda being advanced. Sadly, Republicans weren’t that great at opposing this either. They are quite often the impotent, controlled opposition to the mask off Communist Democrats. They spoke softly of the lack of time, the “shoving it down our throats” and so on, but not one of them pointed out that these people are not elected to do any of that. They are elected to uphold their oath of office and protect the rights of the people, which includes protecting the right of the people to keep and bear arms.


The Democrats also sought to claim the new ban was recommended by police, but police should have no say so in this matter when it comes to the infringement of people’s rights. They too, are to uphold the laws that are written to protect us from tyrants like these in the video. “I just have to say that this is something that’s been recommended by our Capitol Police. And I think there are times when we sort of have to trust what our law enforcement officers are telling us,” House Majority Leader Charniele Herring said.