Anonymous ID: cd14cb Jan. 17, 2020, 5:26 p.m. No.7842158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2180 >>2210 >>2339 >>2349

Da hell is dis????


Gowdy was asked about the NYT article stating that Comey was under investigation for leaking a Russian document.


He said, "…I'm almost sure it came up at a house intel classified briefing. Comey would not discuss it. He wouldn't discuss it even though it benefited him to discuss it."


"…I'm not a Comey fan but I'm also not a fan of indicting and convicting people based on NYT reporting."


"…I would be really surprised if Jim Comey committed a felony in leaking this information when he didn't even share it with people he could have shared it with when it would have helped him to do so." (10:50 start)