Anonymous ID: d8a77c Jan. 17, 2020, 4:40 p.m. No.7841754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1762 >>1780 >>1788 >>2130


What a fuckin retard.


This homotard posts the same stale shit bread after bread. I wish he was intelligent enough to come up with something new- it might pay better! Oh well, just trying to figure out which loser 3 letter is paying him. Would like to pay (it) a visit, you know just to check on it`s well beingcarry on homotardo with your doo doo posting. btw







Anonymous ID: d8a77c Jan. 17, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.7841851   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not EVERY bread/ only here evenings. I suppose your his dick sucking posting buddy? Perhaps you two should get a room. You are filtered too FAGGOT!