Makes me think of these
I didn't make and I don't know when it was originally created, some years ago I d/l it. I just like weird shit like that, but never had a reason to post it before, but that bald dude (didn't click) made me think of both.
>100% frog DNA but are not frogs.
>These are entirely new lifeforms
>They are living, programmable organisms.
What could possibly go wrong?
FFS, some people need to be strapped down, eyes taped open a la A Clockwork Orange and forced to watch BSG over and over until they understand this is a fucking terrible idea.
Know that sitch, really difficult. Any local group/resources you can get some help from to get back on your feet? Get a PO Box for job application purposes, etc.?
Hang in there. Decide a plan, get help to implement it and don't stop until you are where you want to be.
Request was made for trade deal memes.
What do you think?
Wow, that's beautiful.
Disagree. I'm of the Kai Murrow's school on this one. Hate is very good, and there are things that are good to hate.
I hate rape and people abusing power over others. There is one color I hate and some foods. Some hatreds are more important than others.
You are speaking of blind, mindless hate, which is weak.
Okay, that line wasn't clear so it's fixed.
>What does 683 mean?
I don't know? What are you talking about?
I don't have 683 anywhere on that.
>Many memefags aim for 7 words or less
True, but this is more a graphic than a meme.