Anonymous ID: 59984c Jan. 17, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.7843915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3919 >>3930 >>3939


Just spitballin here but what if the "Welcome aboard Alan" was meant as "I am putting you on notice that you were on the Lolita Express, we have the video & you're being recruited to work for me to get your deal"

Does an Anon have a number suaced on how many times this kike flew on MegaKike MOS/Israel operative Epstein's pedo pleasure plane?

Consider that maybe after his first arrest Eggstein was leveraged to continue his blackmail op so that White Hats could gather as many names as possible. Could that explain Acosta's statement "I was told he was intelligence, and to back off" statement?

After seeing how POTUS' twatter is crafty enough to spell out a song in the first words of his twats & retwats today I think my theory is plausible- what say you Anons?