Anonymous ID: f97bff Jan. 18, 2020, 12:58 a.m. No.7844796   🗄️.is 🔗kun


HB1598 on the surface seems like a good idea, it would take the decision to issue carry permits away from the county police departments and move it to the Attorney General office.


The reason we oppose this bill is it would still provide that permits are MAY issue, this keeps the status quo, where a person is not guaranteed to be issued a permit should they apply.


The fee for the permit is cost-prohibitive, the claim is being made that the $100 price tag in this bill is to cover the actual cost of issuing the permit. A person applying for a permit would have already undergone a strict vetting process when obtaining their firearm, a NICS check takes less than 30 minutes to conduct and is free when ran by an approved agency



not going to pasta the other 5 proposals,