Anonymous ID: 019826 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:05 a.m. No.7844832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4945 >>5150 >>5192 >>5447 >>5515 >>5555

HB1598 on the surface seems like a good idea, it would take the decision to issue carry permits away from the county police departments and move it to the Attorney General office.


The reason we oppose this bill is it would still provide that permits are MAY issue, this keeps the status quo, where a person is not guaranteed to be issued a permit should they apply.


The fee for the permit is cost-prohibitive, the claim is being made that the $100 price tag in this bill is to cover the actual cost of issuing the permit. A person applying for a permit would have already undergone a strict vetting process when obtaining their firearm, a NICS check takes less than 30 minutes to conduct and is free when ran by an approved agency


not gonna pasta the other 5

Anonymous ID: 019826 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:09 a.m. No.7844842   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SpaceX is targeting Saturday, January 18 for an in-flight test of Crew Dragon’s launch escape capabilities from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This test, which does not have NASA astronauts onboard the spacecraft, is intended to demonstrate Crew Dragon’s ability to reliably carry crew to safety in the unlikely event of an emergency on ascent.

Anonymous ID: 019826 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:32 a.m. No.7844909   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(this is from january 3rd)


Four days after Francesco Cali’s death, a group of Gambino organized-crime family members arranged a “clandestine meeting” on Staten Island, as they launched their own probe into the killing, allege documents filed last month in Brooklyn federal court in an unrelated racketeering, loansharking and fraud case.


And now, the attorney for Anthony Comello, the Eltingville resident accused in state court of gunning down Cali, 53, a Gambino honcho known as “Franky Boy,” wants the wiretaps of those mob conversations.


Justice William E. Garnett instructed Gottlieb to submit his motion by Jan. 17. Prosecutors must respond within two weeks.


Garnett ordered the parties to return on Feb. 7.


He said he plans to rule then on Gottlieb’s motion for the wiretaps, as well as a defense motion seeking a mental-competency exam of Comello.



i know it's weeks old & not notable, just hadn't seen many updates about a mob boss being murdered.

Anonymous ID: 019826 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:36 a.m. No.7844920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5150 >>5192 >>5447 >>5515 >>5555


The U.S. Peace Corps announced Thursday (Jan. 16) the termination of its volunteering programs in China and will start evacuating teams in June.


According to U.S. media website Axios, the government volunteering agency has informed Congress of its decision. The volunteer recruitment page on the Peace Corps website also indicates that charity workers are no longer required in China.


In a statement, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio pointed out the decision confirms the obvious fact that "China is no longer a developing country." He emphasized the Beijing government has "fooled" and taken advantage of international organizations, such as the World Bank and World Trade Organization (WTO).


U.S. House Representative Michael McCaul also voiced his opinion Friday (Jan. 17), saying the U.S. should not share resources with Communist China, especially when it is a major competitor. He added the Peace Corps mission is to assist developing countries, not to bolster nations that are already rich, reported CNA.

Anonymous ID: 019826 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:39 a.m. No.7844933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4935


OLYMPIA, Wash — Washington Rep. Matt Shea spoke to hundreds of supporters on the Capitol steps Friday decrying the findings of report that says he participated in domestic terrorism against the United States.


Shea, who was speaking to about 500 people gathered for an annual gun-rights rally, said the findings and allegations are false and slammed the investigation as a “Marxist smear campaign.”


House Republicans suspended Shea from their caucus after the report’s release and removed him from his committee assignments.


Shea has dismissed repeated calls for his resignation and said he plans to run for re-election this year.


The report notes that Shea is an attorney and is aware of the law around his activities. It also states that there is no evidence that he "presents an imminent direct threat to any individual or group…" The report goes on, however, to say that he has "presented a significant threat of political violence against employees of the Federal Government and state and local law enforcement officers, carried out through intermediaries sympathetic to the Patriot Movement."


The Patriot Movement is a cluster of like-minded groups including militias, people who claim sovereign citizenship, people who protest taxation, and those motivated by radical religious ideologies.


3 armed conflicts


The report details that "…Investigators obtained evidence that Representative Shea planned, engaged in, and promoted a total of three armed conflicts of political violence against the United States (US) Government in three states outside of the State of Washington over a three-year period to include 2014, 2015, and 2016."



Anonymous ID: 019826 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:40 a.m. No.7844935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4939



The three incidents include:


A 2014 armed incident in Bunkerville, Nevada. This conflict included rancher Cliven Bundy and many protesters who held a standoff with the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy argued that the federal government has no rights to own land. Bundy owed $1 million in grazing fees after refusing to pay them for 21 years. The report states that Shea sent militia leaders and called for more protesters to descend upon Bunkerville. It notes that at the start of the protest, there were 100 protesters. After Shea's call, "1,500 armed militia members were on site in Bunkerville, Nevada, armed and ready to fight the Federal Government."

In 2015, Shea "traveled to and engaged" in an "armed conflict at Priest River, Idaho," according to the report. The incident involved a veteran who suffered a stroke. The ailment placed the person on the National Instant Criminal Background System as not eligible to purchase firearms. A Veterans Affairs representative was scheduled to check on the veteran and inspect the home for guns. Shea called for militia members to travel to Priest River and prevent the VA from checking on the person, arguing that the federal government was confiscating the guns of a veteran. Shea and about 100 other people showed up, armed.

In 2016, Shea helped with the armed takeover of the Malheur National Refuge in Oregon. He also traveled to Burns, Oregon to meet with armed militia members occupying the refuge. The report states that Shea used encrypted email with code names to feed information about law enforcement activities to the militias at the refuge, as well as provided military-style operation plans. One person died in a shootout with law enforcement during the incident.

Anonymous ID: 019826 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:41 a.m. No.7844939   🗄️.is 🔗kun



8 findings


The report summarizes eight total findings, expressing other concerns about the lawmaker. They include:


Representative Shea participated in an act of domestic terrorism against the United States by his actions before an during the armed takeover and standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Representative Shea engaged in intimidation tactics against a political opponent in September 2012, posted a photo of himself on his Facebook page while standing in front of the opponent's residence, and refused to remove the online photo at the request of the opponent, party affiliates, and law enforcement.

Representative Shea engaged in secure online chat using the code name "Verumbellator" from October 29 through December 12, 2017 that included the identification of opposition political activities, condoned violence and intimidation, and offered to do background checks on named persons in opposition to his political ideology.

Representative Shea from 2014 through 2019 condoned intimidation by supporters of his political opposition to include activists, government officials. Muslims, and others who speak or act in opposition to his personal beliefs and political agenda.

Representative Shea from 2014 through 2017 engaged in counterintelligence gathering and acted in opposition to the lawful efforts of federal, state, and local law enforcement.

Representative Shea in 2016 engaged in and supported the training of youth and young adults to fight a Holy war.

Representative Shea wrote the Biblical Basis for War and advocated the replacement of US democracy with a theocracy and the killing of all males who do not agree.

Representative Shea engaged in and promoted annual Patriot Movement militia training and readiness exercises in support of anticipated armed conflicts against federal, state, and local governments and law enforcement.

Shea garnered several headlines over the past year, which raised enough suspicion to prompt the House investigation.


Initially, one of his documents was discovered, titled "A Biblical Basis for War." Shea said it was notes on a Bible study. Critics argued otherwise saying that it was a manifesto. The document states that enemies should not engage in abortion, communism, or same-sex marriage among other rules. If they do not comply, then "kill all males." It further stated that a tyrant was a leader who rules without God, and that it was "just, not murder" to assassinate a tyrant.

Anonymous ID: 019826 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:49 a.m. No.7844954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5150 >>5192 >>5447 >>5515 >>5555


BORIS Johnson will stage a laser show in Downing Street to mark leaving the EU as he battles Nigel Farage for the best party.


The PM will also light up Whitehall and deliver a special televised address to the nation to celebrate the historic day.

Boris is planning a laser show to mark Brexit -


Generous Brits have donated a whopping £224,000 towards the fund – nearly half the £500,000 Parliament says it needs to ring the bell.


Boris had urged Brits earlier this week to “bung a bob for a Big Ben bong”, but No10 insiders said the plan was ditched after “intrasigence” from the parliamentary authorities.


Tory MPs furiously accused the authorities of massively inflating the figure after it emerged it only cost £14,000 for it to toll on New Year’s Eve.


They called for Boris to overrule them and lay a motion in Parliament ordering that Big Ben chimes.


Tory MP and former leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith said: “Nothing can replace the bell. No light shows, no laser beams, no parties.

Anonymous ID: 019826 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:51 a.m. No.7844959   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Norway said on Tuesday it was repatriating from Syria a woman linked to the Islamic State (Isis) group and her two children, one of them reportedly seriously ill, citing humanitarian reasons.


Prime Minister Erna Solberg came in for immediate criticism over the decision.


The anti-immigration Progress Party, a coalition partner to Solberg’s Conservatives, argued that the risk of allowing a person linked to Isis into Norway outweighs the country's humanitarian duty to help the child, effectively accusing Solberg of not making Norway's security her first priority.


Opposition deputy leader Hadia Tajik jumped on the remarks, saying that such a major disagreement is untenable between members of the same government.


"This issue shows, first and foremost, that Erna Solberg will truly swallow camels with backwards hair to stay in government," Tajik told NRK.


On social media, Progress Party MP Roy Steffensen accused the government of “negotiating with a terrorist”.


“The terrorist won,” Steffensen tweeted.


The 29-year-old mother will be arrested on arrival in Norway, NRK has reported. That means a temporary guardian would be assigned to her two children, aged five and three, the broadcaster writes.