you deflect from the awareness of your sexual gaming here.
that's OK.
fuck your 'you try to program me' bullshit.
I am saying: dominance is not an absolute quality but a behavior within a certain situation.
the one who can display this behavior is a good manager, and leader, and needs to know how to play that, be that for the ones in their charge.
sexualizing it, or thinking that it applies for all things and all skillsets, is a flaw of the 'awesome ones' who can be the 'manager' and still maintain an effective office/crew/team.
and the sexualizing of it is one of the flaws of the dominant and how they are 'taken out' by bad people who attack the organization.
'dominant' is a 'place' in your 'skillset' that you pass from later on, someone else comes along, they are better at some things.
and see how you got to this place where you say I was trying to be your master.
you're back that 'slave/slaver' place.
can't we all just be free in your view? aren't you here to free people? If you have a fallacy that dominates your relationships, wouldn't it be wonderful if you can see through it earlier in life?
the 'master/slave' 'dominatate/submissive' are roles in a game. Many times it's a sick game. othertimes it's a diversion and a romp.
so you were looking for a master. I kind of knew that.
the people who play the 'slave/master' sex game and talk that talk usually will play both roles. I know this. you probably do too.
carry one and yes, I do care that you get past it but I know you'll chest thump me another back-at-cha, thinking that I've been badgering you.
PS: if you've made me master : master frees you.