Big thank you in order here, to Virginia and West Virginia.
West Virginia, you are such a cool cookie.
I was looking at the Virginia Citizens Defense League Issues "Important Statement" page and it dawned on me that it would be an important page to capture along with the map of "2nd Amendment" sanctuary counties (in green) that were created in about three weeks in response to the threats by the "stupid people" in Virginia, who call them selves Democrats these days. (they are not)
Three weeks. Three weeks created the map (pic related)
What to do with this map?
I think we need to take back our local schools and run it with our own local school PTA (parent teacher association) like everyone did when I was a kid.
And when we DO take over,
……. and we DO get back to deciding what goes in the HISTORY TEXT BOOKS,
I think we need to include a page with this map, and the many pictures of the many Virginia Counties with hundreds sometimes thousands of people showing up at their county board meetings to write and pass the sanctuary resolutions. (Look at those pics in that article, wow)
I would like to thank all of the sheriffs who stood by their citizens and offered to deputize everyone in the county if that is what it took to stop anyone in the county from having their door busted down by some SWAT team at some tyrannical governors "executive order".
Special thanks to the sheriff who stood his ground under threat of prosecution. (Lord knows they have worse planned if they can get away with this.)
I am not stupid enough to believe our national guard sons would participate. Did I hear right? Did the National Guard officially tell the Governor no collecting would be happening on his watch? Or was that a rumor? If true, I would like to thank the head of the Virginia National Guard.
It would be hired criminals (think Soros) that would be dressed in SWAT clothing, and they would deserve the response they get if anyone ever tried such a foolish thing as going door to door to grab up all the guns they so foolishly declared illegal over night.
BUT, they got away with it in Australia, New Zealand?
So they think they are going to get away with it here.
The answer is obviously no.
(Anyone with any years on them can tell our true American Democrats have lost their home, since their party left them, to become the party of tyranny and destruction. They are calling themselves "progressives" which is the new name for old Nazi Socialists.) I was born a working class Democrat, with a Korean vet father who enlisted, and who said never give up your guns, ever.
Dad was a real American Democrat.
Virginians have conducted themselves with serious true American style and intelligence that would do our founders proud…..
Thank you for representing the rest of us so well.
Special thank you to the citizens and Legislature of West Virginia for inviting EVERY sanctuary county in Virginia to become part of the state of West Virginia, and sending that invitation to every sanctuary county in Virginia, officially.
This has been a hoot to watch.
What a sly creative crowd y'all are.
Did you come up with this down there in the coal mines over lunch?
Should the Virginia Sanctuary counties accept the invitation of the West Virginia Legislature, the State of Virginia would peaceably disappear over-night, along with the governors seat, and the seats of those incoming tyrannical stupid idiot "not really Democrat" incumbents who dared to threaten the second amendment in Virginia. Seriously. Look at that map. Kek.
You dare threaten the second Amendment?
There goes your state!
Let this be a lesson to the rest of you treasonous sellout fake Democrats destroying American cities with rat infested homelessness and illegal infiltration while you sell your souls to foreigners, along with our American Businesses as fast as you can.
Abuse your state?
Lose your state.
Citizen gerrymandering… with state lines moving everywhere….big time. And DON'T think Americans do not love one another enough to mess with states appearing here, disappearing there to stop you sons of bitches. Just keep sticking your necks out.
What an incredible hoot Y'all are in West Virginia.
I am Ohio proud to be your neighbor. I would thank you for adding a bit of humor to the situation, if, I actually thought you were trying to be funny.
Way to turn the screws :)
Posting this beautiful map of sanctuary Virginia, and the article for use in future history books.