Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 2:26 a.m. No.7845051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5112

The only notable thing I see here is this fact:


"Remember, too, that 90% of the American population below the age of 30 has never read a paper map and can’t use a compass."


I guess the 10% were Boy Scouts or something. Hell, I know people now who cannot even get somewhere consistently using GPS…


Oh, and good morning.

Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 2:48 a.m. No.7845108   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Which one? There are like 15 in VA. And don't forget HQMC. Then again, there is that pesky pickle factory there too.


P.S. I am not the idiot shill, and I am agreeing with you.

Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 2:56 a.m. No.7845137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5162



Old… and this happened shortly before Trump had problems with Epstein trying to molest one of his workers and kicked his ass out of the club and barred his pedo ass.

Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 3:34 a.m. No.7845278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5289


Best idea ever:


"Let's put our entire government on the same plane flight home after demanding reparations from Russia for something that happened 70 years ago."

Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 3:37 a.m. No.7845289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5296


And actually it was for something that literally DIDN'T happen: Stalin delayed 'liberating' Poland while the Nazis finished off their raping and pillaging, allegedly because the Polish government were being douchebags. Demanding reparations for this is equivalent to blaming the U.S. for shooting down the Ukrainian jetliner earlier this month.

Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 3:46 a.m. No.7845310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5322


Oh, there are places to avoid mixed in everywhere, too. We are very diverse Kek.


Overall, Texas, which is really like 5 states combined into 1, is outstanding, but is hot as hell. And the pro-regressives are flocking in to turn some places into Shitsville's, especially Austin and Dallas.


Austin seems to be fast becoming "South Silicon Valley" and has tons of suburban areas away from the downtown cesspool to actually live and raise family, etc., so you might look at that area.


DFW area overall is the same way, but I would look to stay somewhere West of Dallas, even if you have to work in Dallas (like live in what is called the "HEB" which stands for "Hurst Euless Bedford" which are all 'burb cities to the West).

Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 3:57 a.m. No.7845341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5348




I had never seen/heard this part, and just reviewed the footnotes which do not corroborate this version. Not saying it didn't happen that way, but looks an awful lot like astroturfing to set up a scam lawsuit.


"…and it continued to deny responsibility for the massacres until 1990, when it officially acknowledged and condemned the killings by the NKVD, as well as the subsequent cover-up by the Soviet government."

Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 4:06 a.m. No.7845361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5364 >>5470



This is all based on coerced hearsay. What would you expect POW's at the mercy of their captors to say? Definitely not very convincing.


"The group of American and British POWs had been taken by the Nazis against their will to witness the scene.


What they saw convinced two Americans, Capt Donald B Stewart and Lt Col John Van Vliet, that the killings must have been carried out by the Soviets, rather than the Nazis, who did not occupy the area until 1941.


A statement from one, Captain Donald B Stewart, made in 1950, confirmed he sent a coded message, the gist of which was: "German claims regarding Katyn substantially correct in opinion of Van Vliet and myself."


They were apparently persuaded by the advanced state of decay of the bodies - suggesting they must have died before August 1941, when the Germans seized the area.


They also saw items found on the bodies, including letters, diaries and other items, none of which was dated later than the spring of 1940.


And the good state of the men's boots and clothing suggested the men had not lived long after being captured by invading Soviet forces."

Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 4:18 a.m. No.7845388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5393


I am saying WTF does everyone expect 2 U.S. POW's of the Nazis were going to say after viewing "the scene"?


"It looks to us like the Nazis did it, and now they are going to kill us." Evidence, this is not. Show me some hard evidence. A year later, Nazis blow through slaughtering every other person, but now 2 U.S. officers under coercion are magically forensic experts? It falls apart more, the more I think about it.

Anonymous ID: e6ba78 Jan. 18, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.7845402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5404 >>5495



How could any of us know what happened there?


Why are you so heavily invested in this narrative you have presented, which is not backed up by proof? If you repeat something enough times, it does not become the truth.